Doug Jones

Sid: My guest by way of telephone Tulsa, Oklahoma, professor at Rhema for over 20 years, taught healing school for 9 years where people came from all over the world to be healed. He learned secrets if you will by his association with Dr. Kenneth Hagin, by his teaching at Rhema, but really by the 9 years in which he headed up the healing school that I believe the reason that I have missed healing in the past, and the reason that most of you have missed your healing in the past I believe are revealed in these 2 books by Doug Jones. Doug on yesterday’s broadcast when we ended I said we would start out talking about… there are 2 major vehicles through which healing can be obtained. Would you explain that?

Doug: Yes there are. Jesus ministered to the sick through 2 vehicles. First of all, by getting them  in the word of God and teaching them the word forming beliefs within them, that’s really the purpose of our book Sid on “Positioning Yourself to Receive Healing.” Forming the beliefs that people need within them that they need in order to be healed by faith. You remember there in Mark chapter 6 verses 5 and 6 “He could there do no mighty work, except that He laid His hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And He marveled because of their unbelief. And He went round about the villages teaching.” The reason why He went round about teaching Sid is because He needed to form within them the beliefs that they needed in order for them to be set free through faith.

Sid: I remember Dr. Kenneth Hagin saying many times “If you’re at my meeting” when he was there for a week’s teaching.

Doug: Yeah.

Sid: “Please if at all possible don’t come up for healing until Friday because I want to build up your faith with the word of God, and you’ll have much better results.”

Doug: Exactly right. Well at healing school we normally didn’t lay hands on the sick until Thursday encouraging them to do the same thing. You know there’s some scriptures in Luke that says “They came to hear and be healed.” There is a time of learning that needs to occur in most people’s lives before they have hands laid on them. Most people are not serious enough to where you have to lay hands on them just right away. Most people can be taught the word of God, get them in proper position for them to be able to cooperate with the laying on of hands, then go ahead and pray for them.

Sid: But you know I had such a misunderstanding. I would read the scriptures and I would see where there’s large crowds they would come to Jesus, He would lay hands everyone would be healed, so I’m looking for that instant miracle. Yet when I study the scriptures carefully I see He taught first.

Doug: Yes He did. Once He taught them and got them into faith then He was able to minister to them. But another way that Jesus ministered to the sick Sid was through the Holy Spirit. Leading Him, the Spirit of God, leading Him and guiding Him and directing Him to people, that was really how He was led to the man at the pool of Bethesda. The Spirit of God led Him to that man at the pool of Bethesda, showed Him some things about that man, and ministered through Jesus to that man, and the Spirit of God was able to heal that man. That was all by the Holy Ghost. You know that really brings us to the real issue, when it comes to ministering I think sometimes Sid that we become extremist. Most of the time it’s give them the word, give them the word, but there’s another side of the ministry of Jesus we need to duplicate. That is to make ourselves available to the Spirit of God while we are ministering to these people. While we make ourselves available to the Spirit of God here you have a sick individual you’re concerned about him, to just give him the word and not make yourself available to the Spirit of God is just ministering to them 50% of your capacity. If we give them the word of God, and yet on the other hand make ourselves available to the Spirit of God, then He maybe can maybe speak something to us that we can say to them, or show us something that we should do for them that can minister healing to them. Both vehicles need to be… that we need to be available to. I never forget where I kind of started picking this up at that we need to make ourselves available to the Spirit of God, and also give them the word of God. I’m thinking back of Brother Hagin when he was a young man on the bed of affliction. Paralyzed, had some tremendous physical problems. His endeavouring  as a young teenager to obtain healing through faith; he’s reading Mark 5 the story of the woman with the issue of blood one day and he’s dealing with this issue “Can I be healed?” People had told him that it wasn’t God’s will for him to be well. The Spirit of God… hear it again I’m talking about the Holy Spirit being sensitive to Him. The Spirit of God spoke up on the inside of him and said “Well has faith been done away with?” Brother Hagin said “Well no faith has not been done away with because if faith had been done away with then you couldn’t become saved because the Bible says “For grace you’re saved through faith.” All of a sudden on the inside the scripture was read Mark 5 verse 34 He said “Daughter thy faith, thy faith, has made thee whole. Go in peace and be whole of thy plague.” The Holy Ghost spoke up on the inside of him and said these words “If her faith can make her whole, then your faith can make you whole.” Well what was the Spirit of God doing right there? He was tweaking Brother Hagin’s beliefs. His beliefs were just a little off center, and the Spirit of God, which has been promised that He will lead us and guide us into all truth, was actually kind of almost correcting Brother Hagin’s belief system. I’ll never forget he tells the story about 3 months later. He’s still in the bed of affliction, still reading Mark chapter 5 the story of the woman with the issue of the blood. He kind of gets frustrated with it, throws his Bible at the foot of the bed, points up into heaven and says “With all due respect Lord Jesus, if you were to come down here and point your finger in my face and say to me ‘You do not have faith, you do not believe,’” he said “I’d have to call you a liar, I do believe I do have faith.” The moment he said those words he said the Spirit of God spoke up on the inside of him and said these words “You do believe as far as you know” and started talking to him about Mark 11 verse 24 “What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” And Sid all of our listeners who have heard Brother Hagin’s testimony knows that he acted upon Mark 11:24 and received his healing and walked off of that bed of affliction. But it happened because he was listening and cooperated with the voice of the Spirit. It wasn’t just all word, word, word, although he was believing the word of God he was also being led. I’ll never forget we had an individual come to school a number of years ago, he was play circuit tennis pro player. To make a long story short he had a serious cancerous tumor that his mother through prayer and through faith was able to pretty well, and then cooperating with the doctors, was able to get that tumor completely almost gone from that boy’s body.  But at the very end of his recovery before they released him out of the hospital, I mean the boy almost died. Before they released him they said “We’d like to maybe experiment a little bit with a certain type of medication.” So the mother said to me “I had a little check about that. I had something on the inside of her” you know the Bible talks about that inward witness, that still small voice, something wasn’t right about that but she said “I let the doctors override that check and I let them talk me into putting that into my son’s veins.” She said “As they were hooking that bag of medicine up to this drip line” she said “I stepped outside of the hospital room and just put my back up against the door jam,” and she started to pray in other tongues. She said “While I’m praying all of a sudden I heard the Holy Ghost say these words to me ‘Go in there lay your hands upon that protocol and command anything that would cause death to come out’” She thought to herself “That’s strange I’ve never done anything like that before” but she knew it was the Holy Ghost. She went ahead and obeyed the Spirit of God. Months later after her son was released, she goes back into that same doctor’s office and the doctor and the doctor told her privately “We put that medication on 13 people’s lives your son is the only one that lived through that.” She was led by the Holy Ghost. When it comes to ministering to others Sid, sometimes we get so “Give ‘em a book, give ‘em a tape” and we send them on their way. What about making ourselves available to the Spirit of God on their behalf?

Sid: What I’ve noticed is it seems as though every time that Jesus ministered He’d do it in a slightly different way.

Doug: Yeah.

Sid: The way that particular individual needed it and what we’re doing is learning formulas.

Doug: Yes we are. We are not making ourselves available to the Spirit of God at all. The Spirit of God will lead and guide us, He’ll actually show us. What happens is here again, we’re not taking the time to help others. You know as well as I do, and I’ve talked to Brother Hagin about this before he passed away. Back in his day back in the 50’s, back in the 1950’s, boy you get somebody sick and half the church was over to their home. In the day time, you know, that sick person is there in bed she can’t do anything for herself she is sick. Those little ladies would get in and they’d wash the dishes, they’d do the laundry, but the whole time they’re doing it they’re singing and worshiping God ministering to the Lord. During those times sometimes the Spirit of God would give them things about that person. Here again a word of knowledge, or gifts of the Spirit manifestation that could that individual receive her healing. Many of those people were healed. Nowadays, nowadays bless our hearts you get sick you’re pretty much left on your own. Nobody comes to visit you. Nobody sings, nobody makes themselves available much less pray about your situation. Sid what I’m talking about is our love for one another needs to be expressed sometimes in just making ourselves available. Taking time to pray one for another making ourselves available to the Spirit of God. Brother Hagin used as an example all the time, I’m going to miss hearing it. He’d say “Put up your spiritual antenna” in other words make yourself available seek the Lord if He has anything to say to you about that person. See if the Lord has anything that He would show you about that other person that you desire for them to be well. If He says something to you Sid go ahead and say it to them. If He tells you to do something then go ahead and do it.

Sid: We’re out of time today.


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