Pat & Patty McEnnerney

Sid: My guests by way of telephone are Pat and Patty McEnnerney. I’m speaking to them at their home in Casa Grande, Arizona.  There are so many people today that are either headed towards divorce, divorced, their marriages are shambles.  There are people listening to us right now that are just giving up.  I remember a few years ago there was a prophetic word by Oral Roberts that there were demons that were being released especially on people in ministry to cause divorce.  Patty you went through almost getting there. What was going on with your husband at the time?

Patty:  In 1981 actually for the years prior; 1971 we were married for ten years; Patrick was drinking.  He became addicted to cocaine; our finances went from an abundance to nothing and we were at the end of ourselves; and we needed a Savior. Patrick just had kind of left behind his family, his business, anything that the world thought was important he left; we were struggling.  Our marriage was very close to an end.

Sid: Why did you not throw in the towel?

Patty:  You know God intervened in such a might way.  I accepted the Lord in 1980 and I began to seek and search and attend Bible studies and the Lord gave me a word from Joel 2:25.  “The Lord would restore the years that the locust had eaten.” I didn’t understand that but I knew that it was truth from the word and I stood on that word.  And I was determined because the Lord told me that I had a covenant with Him. It wasn’t so much that I had a covenant with Pat but I had a living covenant with Him. And He said “He would be there; He would never leave me.”  So I went to prayer and I pressed in and I was waxing the floor one day and I was pinned to the floor literally I couldn’t get up.  And I said “Lord…

Sid: Wait, wait had this ever happened to you before?

Patty:  It had never happened to me before; I really didn’t know what intercession was; I didn’t know the heaviness.  So I was on the floor just releasing, releasing and that’s the key to receiving answers to prayer is releasing.  Because He can’t do anything until we give it to Him.  It’s His pleasure to minister to us but we have to let Him have it.  So I spent the whole day; I stripped the squares of my kitchen floor and I pressed in and He wouldn’t let me leave.  And about 8 hours into this encounter it was Jacob wresting; I was wrestling with God.  About 8 hours into this encounter I sensed His presence, His peace and I knew that He was in control of my situation.  That the pain that I had been experiencing was still there but I could give it to Him. I was able to stand up and I just sensed His presence and peace knowing no matter what happened that I would be okay.  I mean that Pat could die; that he could do drugs and alcohol, that he could do whatever he was doing.

Sid: You really released him.

Patty: I released him and I relate it to like Miriam putting Moses in the basket.  You know she could have… this is what I had done previously, I had continuously put Pat in that basket but I had a rope on it and I kept pulling it back.  And saying “It’s mine” and I came to that place that I left that basket go and of course the story of Moses and all that.  So I knew, I knew that I was releasing him and that he was God’s problem.

Sid:  Isn’t that what God’s waiting for all of us to do?  To totally trust Him 100% even if it means walking on water?

Patty:  (Laughing) Well, you know we had such… I had such an expectation after that because that Covenant is a promise and I was able to enter into His presence and I received the assurance that I needed to arise.  I literally arose on that kitchen floor; and He is going to go before me.  And He told me that in my spirit and then I understood; yes that He would restore the years that the locust had eaten.  That it was His job but I had to release; so and it was shortly thereafter, actually about 2 weeks, after that Pat had his encounter with the Lord.  I truly believe that had I not done that out of obedience, often we don’t understand what that obedience is releasing; if I hadn’t done that I don’t think that Pat would have been alive today because he had an accident that should have killed him.

Sid: Patty, how long have you’ve been married?

Patty: Thirty-three years.

Sid: But just look; if you had not let go at that point I image there is no way that you could have been married today.

Patty:  No, and we had neighbor’s telling us; telling me to divorce Patrick.  I mean when it was so obvious that the neighbors were coming me to my door and asking me “What was up?  What’s going on Patty?”  It was affecting our children who were 7 and 4; I would have probably have been a divorced mother or widow.  I truly believe that; and that’s the… I truly believe the power of the word of God because I know it went before me.  And you know a young baby in Christ you don’t have the answers; you don’t know where to go. But when He drops it in your spirit then you can’t deny it. I prayed those scriptures over Pat after that.  And of course when you come from a dysfunctional family you have all these issues the baggage that you carry with you.  But we began to be transformed in Christ and I would pray these scriptures over Pat. And the one that really ministered to me was Colossians, Colossians 1. It was talking about that Patrick would “Walk worthy of the Lord fully pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”  And you know He has done that; God has brought that to Pat.  He’s strengthened him and He translated him literally from darkness to light.  And so I just know that the scriptures so powerful because that is exactly what Pat has become.

Sid:  So Patty, what about some of the people that are listening to us right now and say “Hey that’s me.”  What would you say to them?

Patty: Well, I’d say go to a dark quiet place and pray. Call in the prayer warriors, call in the support but go to the word because the word is the promise.  The word is the covenant and that never leaves you and there’s strength and power in the word. Begin praying those scriptures over your loved one.  It doesn’t return void; it will not return void; so as you pray those scriptures it has to come to past.  Because that’s what God’s word says.

Sid: Would you put Patrick on right now; I want to get it from him.  Now that’s how it was from Patty’s side.  I want you to hear how it’s from Patrick’s side.  Patrick you heard what Patty said; would you fill in the blanks?

Pat: We were in desperate straight; we were between a rock and a hard spot and there was a cry of desperation.  And this is a good thing; you know people that might be listening to this that have no knowledge about Christianity it’s alright because God’s no respecter of person.  When our cry gets deep enough there’s an opportunity in desperation.  And we just need to cry out to the Lord Jesus.

Sid: Now you actually got born again; you read a scripture and literally the scales came off your eyes but you were still drinking and still doing drugs.

Pat:  Yes, I was still addicted; I was still drinking; I had a new conscience though.

Sid: So that’s when Patty’s intercession just kind of changed everything for you.

Pat:  Absolutely, you know it was so obviously that God came into our house when I walked home that night.  Because when you see the love of God; when you walk into His presence; I don’t care who you are you know it’s God. Because the watermark is higher than anything that human, the mind or the intellect could measure.  And I saw in her eyes it was a supernatural love of Jesus. I didn’t have a clue what she’d done that day but I knew that…

Sid: I mean this was different than anything that you’ve ever seen before; I mean you’d already been married 10 years.

Pat:  Correct, it was so radically different that it spun me around and I stopped knowing that I’d come home late actually and didn’t respect my wife by even calling her.  I had stopped and spun around and said “Oh, my goodness I see Jesus in your eyes.”  See I had no knowledge of this type of language really to speak of; I just accepted the Lord and I had a new conscience but I looked at my wife and I said “You’ve been changed.”  You know and I see love, I’ve never seen love like this before, what is this.  And so I continued up pondering what I had really encountered in my house.  And I believe is what my wife did was a covenant truth; God’s a covenant God.  He took the handcuffs off of God and released Him to deal with me.  (Ha ha) and He did in a powerful way.

Sid: But then something almost tragic happened that wreck.

Pat:  Well, you just said, “We’re you still drinking?”  Yes, I was still drinking, I was still using narcotics; my whole life was in shambles, everything that I’d worked for, the business that we owned was falling apart. And within 2 weeks after I’d witnessed this with my wife I went to international drag race and drank and had lots of drugs. When I was driving home I blacked out in the vehicle.  The Lord had an angel in that vehicle that shook me awake physically as I was driving off of the road.  As I was driving off of the road I cried out “Oh, Jesus.”  And there was a guardrail with these big timbers and I watched the top guardrail come off of the center post and directly at my head, and I was driving my plumbing truck which had a big flat window and it came to the window.  Hit this window right where my head was, but instead of going through it, it didn’t crack the windshield it took a chip of glass out of it and I don’t know how that is and went up over the truck. And the lower one when through the bumper went through headlight into the cab just missing my leg.

Sid: Patrick we’re out of time we’ll pick up right here on tomorrow’s broadcast; it gets even better there’s an encounter with Jesus.


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