David Jones

Sid: Now I have a friend in the studio that I have known many years Pastor David Jones.  And one day he called me and he said “He had an open vision and it was almost as if he was at one of the most important events about ready to happen to planet earth.”  But before I have him share that with you I’d like you to get to know him a little bit.  David I have to tell you I am overwhelmed in what God has done in your life because of such a dysfunctional background that you were. I mean you should have been dead or in prison or insane.  Am I exaggerating?

David: No, not at all. Sometime my mother would see me and say “I just hope I don’t get the phone call that they would find you dead in a ditch.”

Sid: Tell me a bit about your background.

David:  My dad was an alcoholic he gave me the alcohol bottle at 11 wanted me to be a tough guy. So I began to drink at 11, became an alcoholic, got a DUI, crashed many cars. Went to jail for DUI’s; I wanted to stop but I couldn’t stop. When I didn’t get a drink my hand would tremble and shake. And I remember saying this “Will I ever be delivered, will I ever be set free from this thing.”  And even when I’d try and say “I’m not drinking today; I’m not drinking my friends would come over with a big keg of beer and say ‘Hey man it’s on.’”  Wow, now it’s coming to me.  When you’re in sin it has it’s clutches in you but not only does it have it’s clutches in you it has it’s clutches in all those that you associate with.

Sid: Now you eventually went into the Marines; why would you had done that?

David: Crazy.   

Sid: I’m sure, I mean I’m not crazy and I wouldn’t do that.

David:  Yeah, I thought I was a tough guy and we went on a buddy plan with four other guys and we thought we were really tough and went in there and found out…

Sid: Speaking of being tough you were a fighter.

David:  Yes Sir.

Sid: Tell me about that.

David:  Well my dad was a fighter I mean he was a boxer in the ring but also a fighter in the streets so he always wanted me to be a tough guy. So I would fight with a vengeance because when he would abuse me and hit me and knock me down and tell me to get up I wouldn’t hit him, I wouldn’t fight him but with other men I would go crazy on them.  I just wouldn’t take anything from anyone.

Sid: Now how does someone as dysfunctional as you were react to such discipline as the Marine?  (Laughing)

David:  Oh yeah, it wasn’t easy.  It wasn’t easy I made up in my mind that when I was in there I said “Well I’m in here no one put a gun to my head I’m just going to be the best Marine I can.”  And I just grudged it out grudged it out in any that I could.

Sid: Okay, how did you become a believer?

David:  Got out of Marines; was working at Ford Motor Company.  God invited to church by a coworker; I finally went. Sat in the back, the preacher made the altar call, the first night I didn’t go. I didn’t know if I could live saved, didn’t know if I could do it.  And so the second night I came back and matter of fact when I was at Ford Motor Company the boss brought me that big old check and I said to myself “Me and my brother are going to party tonight.” I said “Wait a minute I told that preacher that I was coming to his church.”  And one thing that I always tried to keep my word, when my mother would ask me to go to church and I would say “I’m not going, I’m not going.” But I said “I would go, I would go.” And here I am I’m only breaking my word but breaking my word to a man of God.  And so when I made up my mind not to go I fell on the conveyor belt in the parts started hitting me in the head and God allowed me to hear my heart beat “pump-pump pump-pump” and I began to pray.  Oh no, “Please Lord no (pump-pump). No, Give me another chance I’ll go to this man of God church, please have mercy on my soul. (pump-pump).”  All of a sudden my heart came back beating regular, and I looked up and people said “Are you alright.” I said “Please do not do me like this I’ll go to this man of God church.” Well I went and the evangelist made the altar call. Well, this time I get up and I go but this time my knees started knocking and getting weak and all of a sudden I heard the devil himself saying “Run out of this church, get out of this church. What are you doing? You can’t do it, you can’t lived saved get out of here.”  But I kept going and I kept going and I went to the altar the evangelist there with his hands outstretched, “Son do you want to be saved?”  I said “Yes Sir, yes sir I want to be saved.” Like big yokes lifted off of me and when I went to grab his hand the power of God hit me and I flew straight backwards but there weren’t no ushers there to let me down easy.  But when I hit the floor it was like hitting a bed of cotton.  And the sister was looking at me back then and I thought I was a pretty cool cat and so I said “What am I doing on this floor let me get up.” Before I could do that Sid the supernatural began and it began in my belly. And it began in my chest and then it got in my throat and then it got in my mouth and my tongue began to cling to the roof of my mouth and I began to speak in a supernatural language as the Spirit of God will give utterance. And all of a sudden peace such joy I’ve never experienced.  And the next thing I know I’m on the side of the wall just speaking ushers tried to get me and the Pastor said “Let him alone; God has him now.” And I would just speaking and I have never been the same since.

Sid: What happened to the drugs and alcohol?

David:  Instantly delivered.

Sid: Instantly?

David:  Took the taste of alcohol. I smoked cigarettes since I was 11 took the taste of cigarettes from me the desire.  Hennessy drinking, Hennessy whiskey took it right from me.  Crack cocaine, mescaline, THC. I did it all and instantly delivered.  You know why? Because there’s a God in heaven and super rules and knows all things and He heard my cry for deliverance.

Sid: Now I’m going to take you to February 2012 it’s the morning, you’ve just woke up and you get up to go to the rest room and then but you’re going back to your bed then what happened?

David:  It’s like all of a sudden someone just took me by the arm and here I am catapulted in this open vision. And in the vision I find myself just hovering over the planet earth about 200 feet up in the air. And I can see all of the inhabitance of the land. People going to the grocery stores and to the malls and people pumping gas and children with their parents and businessmen with their briefcases going to and fro.  All of a sudden it was such a beautiful day but all of a sudden the clouds began to become thick and black and dark. And everything changed in a moment of time. Then all of a sudden there was a sound from heaven a sound like I’ve never heard before in my life and the sound was so powerful and magnificent and deafening, and yes the sound deafening comes to me.  And not only was it deafening to the ears of all mankind but it pierced their very skeleton.  What do I mean by that?  When the sound pierced their ears and their skeleton their bodies began to shake but they were froze they couldn’t move forward or backwards but their bodies were shaking and trembling under this sound from heaven. And the sound was like 7 claps of thunder all rolled into one. And the people began to scream and wail and holler and run.  But there was no place for them to run; they were falling on each other, running on top of each other running here and there screaming and the look on their face was total terror. All of a sudden God was allowing me to sense and feel what people were feeling.  Number 1 total terror1; number 2 horror something like out of a Steven Spielberg movie something foreign to them not foreign but God invaded their life.  He broke through all the clouds and came through the atmosphere and that’s when I’d seen like someone took a razor blade and split the heavens in half from top to bottom and here come the majesty and the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ with all his bands of angels.  And Sid one thing I noticed immediately was the colors of heaven they’re not like colors here on earth, they’re magnificent. They’re brilliant they’re such splendor of colors and the blues are just glorious the oranges and the golds and yellow just glorious color. And then here come the Son of Man and Sid He was coming speedily with all His bands of angels speedily to the earth and it took all humanity off guard. People were just screaming and hollering. And then I heard one guy he was standing looking at everything that was happening and he began to say “Oh no, no, wait no, no I thought I had time! No, no, no wait, wait wait I thought I had time, but all time had ran out.”  And then a guy, he looked something like an Indian guy real short and he begin to say “This is a dream, this is a dream I’m going to wake up, I’m going to wake up!” But Sid he couldn’t wake up because he was already woke.  All this talk about Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming! HE HAS COME! He has come just like He said He would!  Then I heard a voice from Heaven saying “This is the Day of the Lord, it has come!” I came out of the vision trembling and shaking on the ground and all of a sudden God spoke to me and said “I charge you now to warn all mankind.” And He said it like this, “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming.” And I began to repent and I began to search my own heart, I didn’t pray for my wife, I didn’t pray for my children, I didn’t pray for my mother.  I began to pray for myself. Why?  Because I sensed and feel what everyone is feeling.  Listen to me people, there is a terror of the Lord that mankind has not been introduced to, or should I say that this generation has not been introduced to. A terror, the horror yes, we know that God is love and we know that God is mercy and we know that God is compassion and He’s long suffering, but He says “You tell them from Me that I am a God of justice, and I am a God of judgment!” God said it and it shall come to pass!

Sid: David, our time is up right now today but I’d like you to pick up right here tomorrow.  What David is describing the Bible refers to as the great and awesome day of the Lord.  The Bible says “He who wins souls is wise.”  The truth is very few Christians do this, this is a New Year’s resolution for you; I want you to take souls to Heaven.

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