Sid: Go.

Jonathan:  Are you serious?

Sid: I’m serious Jonathan go ahead.

Jonathan: Shalom Mishpochah, Shalom family.

Sid: You can’t even pronounce Mishpochah right there’s no way that you could do that Jonathan. That’s my guest Jonathan Bernis and I’m Sid Roth and we’re actually having fun because when you know God you can have fun. But there’s times to be serious and  there’s time to have fun. And we want to talk about a serious subject right now. The increase worldwide of antisemitism. What’s the Biblical origin of antisemitism Jonathan?

Jonathan: You know Sid I hear all the time that antisemitism is a totally illogical viewpoint.  It’s a totally illogical idea ideology and that simply wrong.  Antisemitism is very logical, very logical.  Let me tell you where antisemitism begins and I’ve done a lot of research on this. As a matter of fact, I’m in the process of writing a book on it. antisemitism origins are Genesis chapter 3 verse 15.  Again let me say that again Genesis 3 verse 15. Mishpochah you should jot this verse down because this is a key verse. And theological terms this verse is called the Protoevangelion.

Sid: Oi vey I’m sorry you told me. (Laughing)

Jonathan:  Oi vey Sid never for get that the Protoevangelion

Sid: Ha, ha I’ll never remember it but go ahead.

Jonathan:  Very simply it means pre-gospel. This is the very first declaration of the gospel of God’s future redemption in the scriptures. Genesis 3:15 and you all know the story God has created the world, He has created man. He’s enacted what I call the principal of creation and delegation.  He said to Adam “I have created everything, now I’ve delegating it to you. You can do anything you want basically as long as you obey me and don’t eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” And what happened, we all know what happened, Adam disobeyed God and the world was catapulted into a state of sin. I mean we don’t comprehend Sid just how severe, how radical the change in the earth was when Adam and Eve sinned. I mean I could give you a long list but it was as very very radical change. And in that day man began to die.  In Genesis 3:15 although there a curse that’s placed on both the serpent, or Satan, and the woman. There is also a declaration of redemption. And I’m going to read the verse in the NIV “And I will put enmity or division between you and the woman between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head and you will strike his heal.”  Now it’s a little bit complicated if you haven’t looked at this before but basically what the Lord is saying is that the seed, the offspring of the woman, which is a very unusual statement Sid that actually the declaration of the virgin birth.  Because seed in scripture is carried through the man; it’s transmitted through the man an yet this is the seed of the woman which is the first prophecy of the virgin birth not Isaiah 7:14.  And then it says “Her seed.” speaking of course of the Messiah the Yeshua, will crush the head of the serpent” an in response the serpent will only bruise the heal of the Messiah. Which is exactly what happened at Calvary. Now why do I set all of this up in this verse? Because I believe that antisemitism is a direct response to this declaration of redemption. The Lord is saying to Satan and so Satan is very much aware of this that a day will come in the future when your head will be crushed by the seed of this woman.  So this something that Satan has had if you will hanging over his head for… how many thousand years?  For 6,000 years or how many you date or far back you date  Adam and Eve. What am I getting at?  Well, the seed, the seed of the woman which I call the seed promise is carried of course through Noah and through his descendants and you really don’t hear anything about it until Genesis 12. In Genesis 12 were introduced to a man named Abram.  Later becomes Abraham and the Lord makes this incredible statement; He says “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you and through you.” Or though Sid, it says in the Hebrew “your seed (or your offspring) all the nations of the earth, all the Goyim the nations of the earth will be blessed.”  What is that prophesying?    It’s prophesying ultimately that through the loins of Abraham, through his seed will come the Redeemer of Genesis 3:15.  Are you following me so far?

Sid: So far it makes lots of sense.

Jonathan:  So far, so clear. So here’s the simplicity and the logic of  antisemitism.  Satan the serpent if you will has a death sentence hanging over his head that his head will be crushed by the seed of the woman. He then is very much aware of the calling and choseness of Abram and the promise that through his seed the world will be blessed ultimately through Messiah. And so he understands that this seed promise will be fulfilled through the children of Abram, later that’s through Issac and then Jacob and so on through the 12 children of Israel. Antisemitism is nothing more or less Sid than Satan trying to preserve himself. It’s an act of self preservation because  the logic is if I can destroy Abraham and his offspring then I can keep this Genesis 12:3 seed from ever fulfilling this prophecy.

Sid: Yes but I can see that before Jesus came but after He came how does it play out?

Jonathan:  Oh Sid that’s the million dollar question, your a great student of the word.  Let me just back up a little I’m going to get to that. How clearly it’s demonstrated in scripture.  Well, I think it’s very clearly demonstrated because you have throughout the Old Testament attempt after attempt to destroy the Jewish people of course portrayed in Antiochus Epiphanes. Portrayed in the story of Esther, or Purim, where a man named Haman, a type of anti-Christ tries to destroy the Jewish people. And then ultimately this reaches a crescendo Sid when Herod reaches, another type of anti-Christ, summons the wise men of Israel and says “Tell me, where will this Messiah be born?”  And they quote Micah 5:2 “He’ll be born in Bethlehem.” So what does Herod do, he sends his troops to kill all male children under 2 years of age.  That’s Satan himself trying to preserve himself to keep the seed from being born.  That is the Epitome  or the climax of antisemitism the ore-Messiah. So now to get to your question. We understand why Satan tried to destroy the Jewish people and preserve his life and keep Calvary from happening but he failed. Right?

Sid: Right.

Jonathan: Praise God he failed.   

Sid: For sure, but we’re going to run out of time if we don’t find out why.

Jonathan:  The fact is that he failed, Jesus came He lived a sinless life; He made it though all of that temptation. On two occasions he sweated it out in the garden He said “Your will will be done.”   He went freely as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world at Calvary. Laid down His life for us, was laid in the tomb of a rich man. And praise God Sid He didn’t stay there. After 3 days and 3 nights the Bible tells us that the resurrection power of the Living God came into Him. And He rose from the dead and defeated Satan and his hordes and made a open show of them. Hallelujah! So all principalities and rulers are under His feet and under our! That’s the great news, that is the gospel.

Sid: Let’s go to that million dollar question now?

Jonathan:  Now why has Satan worked so hard then in the last 2000 years to destroy the Jewish people. In fact Sid he’s worked harder in the last 2000 years than he did before Yeshua came.  You have of course the Pogroms, you have the Spanish Inquisition, you have the Crusades and ultimately the Holocaust where 6 million Jewish people perished. All because of Satan’s effort to destroy the Jewish people.  Well here’s the answer, Genesis 3:15 must not be fulfilled yet.  I was taught that Genesis 3:15 was fulfilled with the death, burial, and resurrection of Messiah.  Were you taught that?

Sid: Of course.

Jonathan:  I was taught that but Sid I’ve come to believe, and I really believe the Lord showed me this that that is not the case at all. The Genesis 3:15 will only be fulfilled when Jesus returns to this earth because there is an enemy that stills has to be defeated.  And that enemy is death. Satan is still loose, he’s still affecting people’s lives.  He’s still the prince and power of the air and ruler over this earth for those that don’t know the Lord.  The Bible’s very clear about that and all you have to do is look around Sid and see that evil is really reaching a climax. We are returning to the days of Noah.

Sid: Okay, so if that hasn’t been fulfilled totally experientially yet, why is he so antisemitic?

Jonathan:  Well, here’s the answer. Satan knew that Jesus had to come through the seed of Abraham. That the seed of the woman was connected to the seed of Abraham and his offspring. And so he said “If I destroy the Jewish people I keep the Messiah from coming.” Now this is what most… what Satan understands and most Christians don’t Sid, an everybody buckle you seat belts and listen closely to this.  What most Christians don’t know is that the Jewish people play as an important rule in the return of Christ as they did in the coming, the first coming of Christ.  In other words it had to be through the seed of Abraham but Sid the restoration of Israel and the Jewish people must take place before Jesus returns. It’s the pivotal foundational event according to Romans 11:25. That the Jewish people…

Sid: You know that really makes a lot of sense to me Mishpochah, I never thought in those terms. But that whole One New Man, the Jew and the Gentile becoming one and running that last lap as the anchorman. Boy I’ll tell you what that was worth just waiting for.

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