
SID: Now there’s a question that a lot of Christians are wondering. Can a Christian have a demon? What do you say, Nick?

NICK: Yes.

SID: That’s short. You’re a man of few words.

NICK: Yes.

SID: But explain please.

NICK: Okay. First, I want to explain that you’re not a bad person if you’re dealing with an evil spirit. Our enemy is the devil. It’s taught in the New Testament that we should cast out demons. Jesus went into the temple, which is a type of, the New Testament believer—

SID: The Temple.

NICK: Yes, the Temple of the Living God. And see, the temple had the Holy of Holies where the Holy Spirit dwelled, where no man could get in without the blood of the lamb. And then we have the inner court and the outer court. Jesus cast thieves, the moneychangers and the thieves. The thieves could be representing evil spirits out of let’s say the outer court and the inner court. And so it’s my belief that that the Bible teaches that there’s a spirit, soul and body, and that our spirit man is sealed with the Holy Spirit once we receive Jesus Christ. And our flesh, it needs to be renewed with our mind. So our flesh could have stuff inside causing things that aren’t of the Kingdom of God.

SID: Now you talk, you know what I’m thinking about. Have you ever read the New Testament about a spirit of infirmity? Have you ever been sick? You now are no longer with that institution. You help people full time all over the world. What about someone that is physically sick? Could that be a demon?

NICK: I run into a lot of times with people who have been praying for healing for many years. They go to the pastors, they go to evangelists and they come up front, and they want healing. They really want it bad. But they just want healing and they don’t maybe, possibly they’ve never heard of deliverance or they don’t believe in deliverance.

SID: You know, at least a third of Jesus’ ministry was casting out spirits from people.

NICK: Yes. The evil spirits actually cause all sorts of things that people think are just medical conditions like I’ve seen people healed of MS. I’ve seen people healed of—

SID: There was a spirit behind it?

NICK: Yes. A spirit of cancer, I’ve seen it come out of a woman. She said that it came out of her breast. A spirit came out of her breast. Also I’ve seen people healed of stage 4 liver cancer or actually, I’m sorry, bladder cancer, I’ve seen that. It was actually spirits.

SID: I don’t have time to ask my doctor friend this, but I don’t think too many people with stage 4 bladder cancer get healed and all they have to do is do what the book says: believe it and do it. The book is the truth book, otherwise known as the Bible.

NICK: Paul told us if we sowed the flesh, of the flesh we’re going reap corruption. And so what happens is that we, sometimes we have a sinful life in our past and we get, we receive Jesus into our hearts and then we don’t learn about deliverance, and bring those, let’s say corrupt type things in the flesh, the curses from the law or from living in sin into our Christian life. And then we have to deal with these evil spirits later on causing disease and sickness, arthritis, cancer, all sorts of things.

SID: Now what I love about you, Nick, is this is not your emphasis in your life. His emphasis is intimacy with God, loving God. Tell me how you developed such intimacy with God.

NICK: Well when I was going through my healing of schizophrenia, I would, I started praying. I prayed about a couple of minutes at night then I’d pray about 30 minutes a night, and then I decided to look at the Word where it said, “If you seek God you will find Him when you seek Him with your whole heart.” And He’s a great rewarder of those who diligently seek him. So I prayed to God and I said, “This is your Word and I’m standing on it and I’m going to seek you until the day I meet you either in my room or in eternity.”

SID: Give me an example, actually pray that right now. Just pray what you just said.

NICK: Lord Jesus, your word states that if I seek you with my whole heart, if I actually pray and seek you, your face, and I repent for my sins, I can actually meet you and see you, and you will come through for me.

SID: And you hear God’s voice now. What’s it like to have intimacy with God? Describe what it’s like. I know that’s hard, Nick. But, I like to ask hard questions.

NICK: I did every single drug you could name: ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana. I went to every party you could think of. I was a nightclub bartender. I did everything I could to escape from the pain of the world. The day I met the Holy Spirit, I never could ever imagine why anybody would ever want to do drugs or ever want to drink, because the Holy Spirit’s love is better than all of it.

SID: Pray the Holy Spirit’s love, but the Holy Spirit’s love on people that are watching right now.

NICK: Okay. I have, I would like you to do like a heart sign, like a prophetic sign with your hands. I believe the Lord wants you to do this. Just as an act of faith, just this little heart sign. It’s simple. Just as an act of faith, showing God that you really want His love, because He loves you. See the heart. In the mighty name of Jesus, Father God, I pray that the person or the people that are seeing this heart, that they would raise their hands up with this heart and agree with me that you will appear to them. You will show them your deep love that you will heal them of everything that afflicts them, that you will deliver them and their family members, and prosper them. Lord, I pray for each individual that you would send a dart of your love into their heart in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the risen king. Amen.

SID: Amen. I’m going to tell you something. If there’s someone watching right now and you say, I’ve gone too far, there’s no hope for me, answer them in one minute.

NICK: Jesus Christ is standing next to you right now. All you have to do is just open your heart to him. If you doubt the Word of God, if you doubt that Jesus Christ is really real, you just pray to God and you ask Him about Jesus. God is a God that answers prayers. Listen. He is the one that answers prayers and He knows what you’re going through. God is a God of hope and a God of love, not a God of religion, not a God of judgementalism, but a God of love and of peace. Reach out.

SID: Say, Jesus, I make you my Lord. Say it out loud wherever you are right now. I believe you died for my sins. I ask you to take over my life, be Lord of my life, fill me with your Holy Spirit and power. If you can do that for Nick, say that out loud, if you can do that for Nick, you can do whatever I need for me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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