
Sid: Sid Roth here with Kyle Winkler and I sure hope you’re not driving but if you are don’t do what I’m about ready to tell you please. I want you to close your eyes because Kyle Winkler had a revelation that will totally change your walk with God, totally open up that destiny that the devils been trying to stop. So if it’s possible; if you’re driving pull over to the side of the road, or if you’re in a place where you can just sit down and close your eyes. Kyle you’re at the end of your rope the devil looks like he has won and then you have this revelation. Tell me about it.

Kyle: I had to go to the cross to meet the man on the cross; I had to go to behold this Lamb. I’m just going to describe it right now and take you there with me. And so I invite everybody to take their eyes off of everything else to behold this Lamb. Clear your mind of tomorrow’s worries and come with me to a hill outside of Jerusalem’s city walls. Here an innocent man and here is what I saw I saw an innocent man suspended on a tree between 2 criminals. And my eyes focused only on Him and focus now only on Him. Hanging there literally by nails piercing His hands and His feet; I understood in that moment and I’m going to tell you He knows what your pain feels like. There He dangles on the world stage naked, He knows what your rejection and embarrassment feels like. Here’s a man who was tempted and tried in every which way He can understand our weaknesses and so I beheld this sight. And then I beheld no greater love; I saw what God’s wonderful plan for my life was and it was right there it was Jesus dying so selfishly to give me a life of meaning and purpose and I took it all in until I was vulnerable again. And I started to feel there in my apartment room floor as my callous heart started softening that I gazed deeper into His wounds. The Lord took me there that’s where you focus on beholding that Lamb He took me to see His wounds which is where my healing really began to happen. And I want you to see listener to see that your pass and its wrongs are but a speck compared to the magnitude of the arms of grace stretched out across that rugged butchery being. And I encountered Jesus until the grips by which I was bound were loosened and burdened I carried all seemed to dissolved. But as I got closer to the foot of the cross I let the wonder of Calvary take over my senses. I looked up at my Savior and I saw His face spat on by other soldiers and I cried and I cried and I cried. And His eyes were bloodshot with sleeplessness; I saw that crown of thorns it was a garland of twisted together across the top of His head 1 inch garbs pressed down upon his maimed forehead as scarlet steams of blood raced down covering this sinless body. I just tell you to behold this Lamb of God the final once sacrificed once shredded that’s what He was shredded upon the altar of the earth. Oceans of wrath consumed Him and that’s where I saw wave upon wave of my sin taking over the man who knew no sin; every lash I felt His lash at that moment scourged at that moment scourged and this is hard to hear people I know but you have to hear it. His wounds will heal yours that Roman scourged had pieces of metal shrapnel attached to its cat o’ nine tails; every lash when it was pulled away it pulled away chunks of flesh, it pulled away tendons and arteries and nerves. There’s your deliverer filleted like a lamb from top to bottom. I saw this massacre, it’s a massacre unlike none other in history not an inch of his body was untouched by the cruelty. He was marred as the prophet Isaiah said beyond description. You know we see all kinds of movies that try to represent the passion of Christ in some way but you can still recognize him as a man. But Isaiah said that he’d be so beaten battered and bruised that you couldn’t even recognize him as a man and I tell you what that’ what I understood in that day. I wept and I wept as I saw my sin on Him all of that guilt and that shame and all of accusations. That wasn’t just my sin it was your sin and the sin of the whole world did that to Jesus. In that moment my sin became exceedingly sinful. I want people to understand that until you get to the point that your sin is exceedingly sinful you really won’t find true freedom. Because God promises that He will remove our enemies not our friends and too many of our enemies are our friends. We’ve got to get to the place where sin is our enemy but when I saw my sin upon Jesus and what it did to him in that moment it became my enemy and that’s when God came I the midst of my despair. And I heard these words that the Spirit began to minister to me He said “I want you to get off that floor” that floor was stained with tears and He said “I want you to write out a list of your wrongs the things that you had never dealt with and things that you dealt with but you obviously hadn’t because they were still haunting you, write them all out.” So I did and in a very painful few minutes. After I beheld this Lamb. I wrote out a record of my wrongs to where the end it looked like an indictment for my arrest. But then, and this was what switched it all, I heard the Lord minister to me and He said “I want you right now to draw a cross and write blood and draw a cross and write blood.” And so that’s what I did for the next 10 minutes or so. All I did on that record of my wrongs, all my sins were listed on that. I wrote a cross and I drew blood and that piece of paper was covered by the only 2 things that can actually cover for your sins, the blood of Jesus Christ and the cross that it was shed on. Then He said “I want you to rip that paper to shreds as a symbol that I have thrown your sin as far as the east is from the west.” And I want people to hear that for themselves today that at the cross that Lamb took your sins. It’s just what Colossians 2:14 – 15 says. That record of wrong that I created that record that stands against you was taken there to the cross and it was nailed, it was crucified. Its power, it’s influence, crucified in your life so that I could hear and you could hear the final words of Jesus on that cross and that’s what I heard when I ripped that paper to shred. I heard what we just went into in the last segment I heard God say to me “It is finished.” The slavery to sin finished, the guilt and shame finished, the question of does God love me can He use me finished! And I understood finally that the strategy that God prepared from the beginning of the time the Lamb slain from the foundations of the earth, which was put into action from 2000 years ago is still the source of our victory today. It’s still the ultimate gotcha, it’s still the place where we can take our bad and God turns it into good. It’s our place of identity exchange. At that cross you have to understand when Jesus hung there naked which meant that He was disrobed and you can read in scripture where the Bible says that the soldiers cast lots for His robe, the bargained for it they wanted a trophy of what they did that day but they didn’t understand the significance of that robe. That robe was a robe of righteousness, it’s the very identity, it was a very symbol of identity, personality, DNA of Jesus Christ. And I’m telling you today that robe still sits there at the root of the cross for whoever will go there and pick it up and put it on. This is why Paul tells us we can put on Jesus that we can cloth ourselves in Jesus, we can put on His blood, we can cover ourself in that righteous bondage breaking blood when we stand there at the foot of Calvary like I did that day. And we hear “It is finished” over our lives. We put on that new identity and in Christ God doesn’t see your sin change and the holes in your clothes He actually sees His clothes and His blood stains and His holy clothes which is Jesus and He says “There you’re accepted, you’re forgiven, you’re made right, you’re new, your chosen, I love you, I will use you.” That’s what God’s saying to you today that He wants to use you and He will. He’ll use you despite of you but He will use you because He loves you. Because He sent Jesus as the lamb to pay for your sins and when you behold it and you see it for yourself I’m telling you like it did for me it changes your life.

Sid: You told me you felt as though you were no longer partly transformed explain.

Kyle: That’s right I suddenly understood exactly what I had in Christ. You know the Bible says that “Old things pass away.” And heres that word again “Behold all things become new.” Paul said “I want you to see it; I want you to get it that in Christ that because what Jesus did everything that we’ve been talking about you are completely transformed. It’s not that you have one eye that’s old one eye that’s new or one leg that’s new one that’s old everything about you is new because it’s in Christ. You are given His identity and that’s what I felt. I had His identity, the rejection images of my past, the sins that I committed after I was a Christian all of those things were under the blood I now understood the identity that I was given at my salvation that I could walk it out and I could live in that victory and His victory every single day.

Sid: Now one of the DVDs that we’re making available today is the “Noose or the Nails.” Briefly what does that mean?

Kyle: That’s my story, that’s what I shared, God revealed to me the moment of the warfare. He said “Kyle you can go to the noose or the nails to be hung or to be held but other way you have to die.” You can either take all of that guilt or all of that shame and go down the road with Judas and be hung by a noose where the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, or you can take all of that guilt and shame like Jesus did and put it on His back, take it down the Via Dolorosa; the way of the cross where they will be crucified your flesh will be crucified by nails yes it too is death but death of flesh that a resurrected life above the influences of the devil can arise. And so that’s what that really is all about and I really believe that at the crossroads so many of us so many people that’s where they stand at the noose or the nails to be hung or to be held in holiness by the crucifying nails of Christ.

Sid: And very few Christians understand that He not only took our shame and totally understands by what He did, He not only took our sins and totally understands us by what He did, because He was sinless He couldn’t even relate until He took all of our sins.

Kyle: That’s it.

Sid: All of our sins, all of our hurts and all of our pains. And I love the Hebrew when it’s translated in Isaiah 53 which was written 800 years before He did this which says “He bore our illnesses and our sicknesses as well as our sins.” He bore them all, He carried them away and we have a choice we can either accept what He did or accept the lies of the devil. And I love your book “Silence Satan” because this book explains in such graphic detail, but then you talk about the strategies of Satan, the playbook of the devil and once and for all I love the way you say this, your teaching will shut down the enemies attacks his threats, his lies, his accusations once and for all. And you can dust yourself off and get on with your destiny…

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