
Sid: Are you ready for your healing? Are you ready? Are you expecting to be healed? I’m expecting you to be healed. More important than that God’s word says “By His stripes you were (past tense) healed.” My guest Peter Gammons Pastor of Cathedral of Faith in Orlando, Florida and we found out all this week the amazing miracles that go on under Peter’s ministry especially in Brazil you were in a church of 45 people were able, that were deaf, that were able to hear, they could not speak were able to speak. But actually it was 43 people when you left the service but something very unusual happened explain that Peter.

Peter: Yeah we had the 43 instantly healed and some had come from deaf and dumb schools where their teachers who would just cry and cry and cry as these beautiful students. The most incredible thing is that most of the deaf and dumb hear in our service are children and there’s nothing more incredible, nothing more beautiful than seeing moms and dads cry as their little children never heard and spoke, hear and speak.  What happened was as I left the service we tried to get away at the end of the service and the people blocked the road they held hands and we couldn’t get out of the parking lot because they blocked it and so I got out of the car they wound down the window and asked what was happening and they said “We’ve got 2 more that were not in the service 2 more deaf and dumb they ran and out these people and they said “We’re not going to let Dr. Gammons go until they get healed. And so I got out of the car and prayed with them and those other 2 were healed in the parking lot.

Sid: Peter speaking about people that are deaf or mute there’s some people right now they can’t hear anything going on but a loved one heard our challenge yesterday to bring them by the radio. I want you to pray for them right now.

Peter: Let’s do that and if you’re with somebody’s who’s deaf this may seem a strange thing to do but I want you to put your fingers tightly in their ears. This is how Jesus ministered. I want to be like Jesus our call is to be like Jesus, our call is to continue what He began. He said “As the Father sent me so I send you.” And so our call is to just continue in what He did.  Let me just say as I’m saying that in England we have a term called copy cat, it means somebody if you’re doing an examination and they look and see what another person’s doing and they copy what that person is doing.  And they say “You’re a copy cat.” Well I’m a copy cat for Jesus, I’m a Xerox.  I read in the New Testament what Jesus did and I try to copy exactly what He did. And when I do I see the same kind of results and Jesus didn’t just…I’ve seen people when they pray for the deaf they lay hands on the head or they put their hands over their ears just put their hands over their ears. But that’s not what Jesus did it said “He put His fingers in his ears.” So I want you to do what did just as I in the crusades that’s what I do I put my fingers in their ears and I remove them quickly and command those ears to be open as I do.  And I’ve seen multitudes healed that way and I’ve also found that 1000’s of pastors around the world begin to see the same results if they begin to do the same thing that I’ve done. And so if your with somebody who’s deaf and dumb or deaf in one ear or deaf in both ears just put your fingers tightly in their ears and you can speak the word of faith too. I’m going to command those ears to be opened, you command those ears to open and hear in Jesus name and expect them to. And then begin to speak in those ears and so the people can hear. Father in Jesus name do it right now I command these ears to be opened and to hear for the glory of God.  Turn up the volume you spirits of infirmity leave right now in the name of Jesus. Deaf spirits go, dumb spirits leave let them hear and speak right now in the name of Jesus Christ hear in the name of Jesus name. Thank You Lord Jesus, thank You Lord.

Sid: Thank you Father, you know Peter this will be a strange request I don’t know if anybody’s every asked you to do this before but there’s all different types of hearing, there are people that are deaf but then there are people that did not hear God’s voice clearly. And I believe if you’ll pray for people right now and they’ll do the same thing that you said. And that is put their own fingers in their ears and then pull them out they’ll be able to hear whatever that blockage is that’s stopping them from hearing God’s voice is going to be gone as in this moment if you’ll pray for them right now. And Mishpocha you put your 2 fingers in your ears as Peter begins to pray and then pull them out.

Peter: Yeah, I believe that there’s some people that’s saying God’s not speaking to me and the word of the Lord is “Go back to what He said before and do it.” Some people are waiting for God to say something else when they haven’t done what He told them to do before, they made a pledge and they never fulfilled that pledge. You know if God spoke to you before do what He says don’t expect Him to keep talking if you’re not doing the things that He’s already been speaking about.  Father I command that spiritual deafness to go and for people to hear You and hear Your voice and Father we ask Your forgiveness for any who have heard You but not obeyed and that from this day would begin to obey and do what You’ve told them to do and reestablish that relationship and covenant with You in Jesus name Amen.

Sid: And Peter there are people with many different types of infirmities there is someone with a wrist that is very sore or painful and I know that if they’ll start moving it right now the pain will disappear. Will you pray for a number of different diseases right now?

Peter: Praise you Jesus one of the things that I discovered we went through for very formal meetings in the early days to where in the past 30 years where all across the world in 17 nations of the world. We usually have 1000s of people in a single service and I couldn’t lay hands on them all if I did I would die of exhaustion and yet they come hoping to get a touch from the minister. But I encourage the people “It’s not my touch.” I tell them time and time again I’m not the healer Jesus is the healer I don’t have healing hangs.” Because I want to point them to Jesus one of the things I’ve said all across the word is “I don’t have healing hands the hands that heal are pierced by nails. And I tell people you can lay your hands on your body right now and be healed you don’t need me to lay my hands on you.  You can lay your own hands on your body where there is pain and I will pray one prayer and all across this auditorium and by television and radio as I do people will be instantly healed. And right now as I speak that I encourage those of you that need a healing touch from the Lord expect a miracle.  Lay your hands on your own body right now where you have pain and when I pray expect to be healed and then begin to take a step of faith begin to do what you couldn’t do before. You couldn’t move that shoulder move it, if you couldn’t walk get up and walk in the name of Jesus in Jesus name.

Sid: Now it’s not just pain is it Peter it’s anything that’s wrong.

Peter: Yeah absolutely whatever the Bible says that He bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases all of our infirmities were laid on Jesus and He’s our substitute and receive healing in Jesus name.  And I just want to speak a word as well Brother Sid to any that are tuned in and you don’t have a living relationship with Jesus Christ.  You’re not sure that you’re saved right now in Jesus name just say “Jesus I want to know You.” My friends the Jesus I preach is not the Jesus of religion, maybe you’ve been put off by religion or by some Christians who were uncaring or didn’t represent Jesus or all kinds of things that did not represent Jesus.  But my friend don’t follow the Jesus of religion or 20th century Christianity, get a New Testament and follow Jesus the lovely Jesus that you’re discovering in those pages who loves you and cares for you and died for you and wants to heal you.  Just give your life to Him now say “Jesus forgive me and come into my life right now.”  And let I’m going to pray for those that are sick and needy and need healing lay hands on your body. Father I command every sickness, disease, every infirmity, every pain to leave these bodies right now you spirits of infirmity go in the name of Jesus and never return and for people to be instantly healed right now in Jesus name. All across the world this is happening right now receive your healing in Jesus name and begin to do what you couldn’t do before. And I want you to write or call us and tell us what God has done.  It’s an important key to maintaining your healing is to testify.  The Bible says that we’ve got to believe in our heart and confess with your mouth. That’s where a lot of people they believe in their heart and they get it and then they don’t confess it. Let me just quickly tell you one of the main ways the devil robs Christians of healing is He heals them and then they’re invited to testify and the devil whispers in their ear and says “What if it doesn’t last you’re going to lose your healing, I guess that’s true and I’ll wait.” And what they don’t realize is that they’ve moved from faith from where they got healed to unbelief.  And the devil then has a right to rob you when you get into unbelief and then he robs people when they say “Well I wasn’t healed in the first place.” Well of course you were healed now you just allowed the devil to rob you of your miracle. And don’t allow that devil to rob you write and call today and tell us what God has done give Him the glory because I believe God’s touched you right now in Jesus name.

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