
SID: Now this revelation, God is good, Bill, you said God is better than we think. What did you mean by that?

BILL: Well you can’t exaggerate God’s goodness. It’s impossible. If I could comprehend his goodness, I would be God, not him. He is far beyond everything we can possibly imagine, and so we have to, in our experience with his goodness, in that invitation to Divine encounter, as that increases in our life, we have to adjust our thinking. That’s really what repentance means. Repentance means to change the way you think.

SID: Right.

BILL: It’s the remorse over sin, obviously, but it has to affect how I perceive reality. And that’s what the Lord is looking for.

SID: So what happens, and you can’t stop the devil from planting thoughts. He plants a negative thought about God in your head. What goes on inside of you when that happens?

BILL: Well you replace it with truth. I don’t give it much attention, to be honest with you. I don’t want to flatter the enemy with success and feeling successful in anything. So I really work hard to give him as little attention as possible and just to feed myself with truth. I may prophesy. I may declare something true. I may declare a scripture that contradicts what the enemy said. Often times I’ll just sing a song of praise. I’ll sing spontaneously to the Lord in the very area that the enemy questions. If it’s an area about not having enough for this next month or something, I praise God for his abundance. And that’s just what I do, is I go against what the enemy has done and do it with truth. Truth brings life.

SID: Why is there such a conflict over this term, the goodness of God?

BILL: Because it’s key to the Last Days’ harvest. If the enemy can mess us up on our view of God then he has injured our capacity to represent the goodness of a perfect father.

SID: Can you prove that in Scripture that it has to do with the End Time revival?

BILL: Yes, absolutely. Hosea 3:5 says, “In the last days the people will fear God because of his goodness.”

SID: I like that. How about you?

BILL: Psalm 67 is actually my most favorite passage on this area because it ends with nations coming to Christ. And it’s through the process of the goodness of God being revealed upon his people.

SID: I think it must be the devil that tries to rob us of our destiny by challenging the goodness of God.

BILL: If we question his goodness, we’ll question his promise. If we question his promise, we’ve undermined our own destiny.

SID: It’s just coming to our senses that God is good.

BILL: Yes. Faith, real faith, doesn’t deny the existence of a problem. It just denies that problem a place of influence. It’s not living in denial. It’s not living as the ostrich, ignoring all the difficulties that are going on. It’s just seeing them through the eyes of hope, seeing them through the intentions of purposes of a perfect father. When you taste of his goodness and you see that it is absolutely 100 percent constant then everything becomes redefined by that goodness.

SID: Okay. You told me that Jesus is your model. Jesus is my model. Jesus is your model. Would you—I heard people with neck and back problems. It’s like chiropractors are going to get so jealous of you. You’re going to be healed right now in Jesus’ name.—Bill, would you pray?

BILL: Yes, absolutely. I have the sense arthritic conditions, specifically in the neck that have been really crippling, there’s a lot of pain that shoots up into the head as a result of this and the Lord is bringing healing. I believe he’s doing a creative miracle and restoring damaged vertebrae in the neck from the base of the skull all the way to the top of the back, the upper portion of the back. The Lord is also healing deafness, and specifically somebody that’s completely deaf in the right ear. We’ve seen the Lord heal people with a severed nerve to the ear where there’s no possibility of hearing again because of that. And I’ve got a sense that today is going to restore that once again. We talked earlier about pancreatic cancer and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Whenever you talk about a miracle that God has done he’s actually prophesying and declaring to us he is present and he’s ready to do the miracle again. And I just sense that you bringing that up today is underscoring the fact that God wants to set people completely, totally 100 percent free from now on and forever from pancreatic cancer. So I declare the release, the deliverance of that spirit of infirmity on the body right now in the name of Jesus. There’s somebody who has a serious issue with the kidneys and I think specifically the right kidney. There is ongoing pain. I think there’s infection, that sort of thing, but I think there’s a deeper problem with disease in that kidney. I believe the Lord is restoring that. He does creative miracles. He makes all things new and that comes right out of his heart, right out of his goodness. So I declare that over you in Jesus’ name. I believe that there are learning disorders, dyslexia, other issues of the brain that God is healing. There is somebody that has some sort of an infection and some sort of an issue with the blood vessel. I forget what it’s called, forgive me, but there’s something to do with the brain that has caused very serious, serious problems for them. But we see Jesus heal this regularly and I believe that he is doing that right now. He is declaring healing over dyslexia, over learning disorders, trauma to the brain. There are people who have lost use of limbs because of a blow to the head. Some the ability to concentrate, to think clearly, to work with math or geography, all those things, have disappeared from your life because of a head trauma. And Jesus himself is restoring that part of your brain. We just break that assignment of the enemy to allow trauma to continuously afflict you with loss. And I declare in Jesus’ name trauma leaves now and Jesus himself restores what was stolen. He is the God who restores. And he doesn’t just restore back to what it was, he restores always to a place greater than before. I just declare that healing word. I believe he’s healing food allergies, very serious food allergies. We’ve seen people just literally stand in proxy to representing their child who couldn’t eat wheat or drink milk, and immediately after the meeting go home and have pizza, and watch the Lord has completely healed the child. I feel like the Lord is just healing some of those issues of the digestive system. The Lord says food was created for us to enjoy and to offer thanks for. And so when we get robbed of not being able to eat what he’s provided for us it’s the work of the enemy. It’s not God. It’s not just well that’s just life. It’s not life. It’s death and it’s not a part of God’s destiny for you. I believe the Lord is releasing a healing throughout the colon, the entire intestinal area, colitis, Crohn’s disease. We see that just lift off of people. So we just declare once again Jesus’ name, Jesus is the one who heals and delivers people from Crohn’s disease, colitis, all these afflictions of the intestinal system, digestive system. We declare that in the mighty, mighty name of Jesus. There’s somebody who has an infection in behind the right eye and the Lord is restoring that sight to you. I believe in that case it’s going to begin gradually. As soon as you notice the progress, give thanks. Don’t wait for the full manifestation because whatever we give thanks for increases. The loaves and fishes multiplied after Jesus gave thanks. And I believe there are some of you that are going to see the beginning of a miracle. Give thanks then because that’s the atmosphere in which things increase in the Kingdom.

SID: And Bill and I agree for a hundred percent trust that, say it with me, God is good.

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