SID: Give me an example of a second step the Lord gave you.

BRIAN: Immediately, I said, “Lord, what’s the second step?” He reminded me that I had been working for the last year and I hadn’t been tithing. I remember that in Malachi, it says that if you bring the tithes and offerings, that God will rebuke the devourer. God will beat the devourer. I said, “It’s one thing for me to rebuke, but it’s another God to rebuke the devourer.” I told my parents, I said, “Listen, I need you to go into my bank account, take out this amount of money and give it to the church.”

That was the second step. The third step the Lord showed me was Proverbs 4:20, where it says, “My son, attend to my words, incline thine ear to my sayings, that my words are life and health and healing, and medicine to all of your flesh.” I began to take all the scripture verses and we papered all the walls of the hospital room.

I would begin to say those scriptures out loud because life and death are in the power of the tongue. “I will not die, but I will live. I will declare the works of the Lord.”

SID: How many times would you say you said the scriptures? Some people think, “Well, I’ll just say it once.” How many times did you say it?

BRIAN: Well, at first, I began to just say, Psalm 116:17, “I will live and not die, declare the works of the Lord.” Psalm 103, “Bless the Lord, Oh my soul. Forget not all his benefits. He forgives all my inequities, heals all my diseases.” At first, I would just say them a few times a day, but my mother stood over me and she said, “No, this is not enough. We need to keep speaking the word of God because life and death are in the power of the tongue.”

Well, another step we did is I spoke to the cancer. I commanded the cancer to leave my body. I commanded the cancer to die and I said, “Cancer, you cannot take my life. I command all cancer to die in Jesus’ name.”

SID: You are, you’re in the death ward. You’ve got hours to live, you’re commanding the cancer, but what did you do about fear? You had to be covered with…

BRIAN: Yes. For the first 10 days, I remember I was tormented by fear. It seems like at midnight, when those fearful thoughts would come, I said, “I cannot stand here and just not do something about it. I remember reaching behind me, and turning on the light and I began to read the scriptures over again.

“No, I will live and not die and declare the words of the Lord.” I began to take authority over fear. I say, “Fear, I resist you in Jesus’ name. “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind.” I had to defeat fear before I defeated cancer. Here we were going on offense, as a family. During this window of time, I actually began to get better.

The doctors were shocked by it because they had just admitted me to keep me comfortable for the last few days. I began to improve. The doctors noticed that. The doctor told me, he said, “We need to have a CAT scan. We need to see where this cancer is.” One afternoon, I was taken to get a cat scan. Then at six o’clock that night, the doctor walked in my room, he was shaking.

He says, “Brian,” he said, “I went to see the radiologist. He called me.” He said, “This young man, I thought I would see cancer. I have checked him from head to toe, a number of times. There’s absolutely no cancer. No evidence of disease in his body.”

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