JOHN: We certainly were. And I really wasn’t that. I mean I had been, I was a Christian two and a half years before Lisa. So I got saved in my college fraternity. And so I just immersed myself in the Word. So I was a guy with a lot of knowledge but I didn’t have the character to catch up to the knowledge I have or the wisdom that I have. And so you know naturally you’re just like wait a minute, this is so foreign to me and that I just came out swinging because I am such a strong, strong personality. Well that again was the perfect storm you know realizing that, that what I was doing was wrong but yet I saw what Lisa was doing to me as much more wrong. Now that is totally incorrect.

SID: It’s called justification.

JOHN: It was totally immature.

SID: You were justifying yourself. [LAUGHS]


JOHN: I was justifying my treatment of her by the way she

LISA: You say you made, you made me so mad I had to hit you. Yeah.


JOHN: Right. So, and, and but it needs to be said because you’d be amazed at how many guys think that way out there. And I want to tell you guys, that’s so wrong. It’s so warped, perverted and you can’t do that! Somebody, somebody in that relationship has to be able to say I’ve got to bat this thing down and I’ve got to turn and walk away because that’s, that’s, that’s what it will escalate to if you have two strong-willed personalities. You know? And I’ve noticed that in our years of marriage what I’ve noticed is I can keep pushing and pushing and pushing but the better thing to do is to just walk away. Give the Holy Spirit a few minutes and allow Lisa to hear the Holy Spirit. Then come back and talk about it later in an uncharged atmosphere. And so what we started doing is we implemented a situation where we said if one sf us said hey we’re done, we’re not talking and we walked out of the room the other one had to respect it and not follow the other one out of the room which was something I used to do and that’s because of a very, very strong personality. So yeah, you’re talking about two people with two very, very volatile personalities but yet two people who really loved God and loved each other but just didn’t know how to do it right. And the message that I want to make sure that I convey is I don’t care how bad your situation is in your marriage it can be healed. Because I think

SID: But wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. John. You, you have to understand there are people watching us right now and they’re talking back to you and they’re saying but John you don’t know how bad my situation is! What are you going to say to that?

JOHN: And that’s exactly what I used to say. So you took the words out of my mouth. I said it long before you just said it. And I said it over and over. I told friends I think that our marriage is hopeless. I have no hope but yet God was able to turn it around. And He will do it. The thing that I didn’t realize

SID: Wait, wait. Wait a minute, John, what about the person

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