ART: Right? And if like if me as an individual – if I’m the only guy walking around doing healing ministry if I suddenly got 100% results by myself I’d have a line of people out my front door. But if all of us as the body of Christ can learn how to do this thing and walk in it I’m telling you like we’ll empty hospitals and it won’t be too much on people cause everybody’s doing it!

JAMIE: I feel there’s some people right now watching this.

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: That need healing.

ART: Absolutely.

JAMIE: Art, would you pray?

ART: Yeah. Absolutely. Listen. There’s this temptation to make a big fancy prayer and do something that’s going to be you know really holy sounding. But that’s not how it works. Like Jesus did all the work! I don’t have to force anything. I don’t have to try and push power out my arm when I’m praying for people. You know I don’t have to be all super holy and say the right things to convince God. He’s already convinced! So I’m just going to do what Jesus did when it was the Centurion’s servant and He ministered long-distance to him, right? The servant wasn’t there. The Centurion just said all you need to do is speak a word of authority and it’ll be done. So if you’ve got a problem, sickness, disease, pain in your body, whatever it is if you’re able put your hand wherever the problem is. If you’re not able it doesn’t even matter. It’s cool. Jesus can reach you right where you’re at! And I speak to your condition right now in Jesus name “Go!” Be healed right now! I feel led in my spirit right now specifically to address tumors, cancer. I curse those cells in Jesus’ name and I tell them to shrivel up! Disappear and never come back! Arthritis get out and new cartilage grow in Jesus’ name! Just be completely free right now and experience that freedom! Now I would encourage you also now to if there’s a safe way test it out. See if there’s something you can do. Whether that’s you know moving something right now that’s careful, you know. Or just go into your doctor finding out if something’s changed. But what I do it’s – you know the pattern is the same. There’s no method to ministering healing. It’s the man, it’s Christ. But the pattern’s the same. It’s minister healing, test it out and then it’s like it branches at that point. If you’re healed yay God! If you’re not cycle back. Minister healing, test it out. If you’re not healed yet keep going to other believers in your church. You know that’s the body of Jesus right there. Touch the hem of their garment. Believe that you’re touching Jesus and I’m telling you as you pursue this thing Jesus will receive what He paid for! He can’t lose! [laughs]

JAMIE: Come on! Art, this is phenomenal stuff! I just believe that there’s another healing wave hitting!

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: That the body of Christ is entering into a 100% accuracy!

ART: Uh-huh.

JAMIE: I thank God that you’re speaking on this because we need to see this! There’s people that are sick. These are a real problems.

ART: Yeah!

JAMIE: But we have an answer. It’s in Jesus!

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: It’s in Jesus! So Art, thank you so much man!

ART: Absolutely!

JAMIE: Appreciate it!

ART: Thank you!

JAMIE: Look if you’re like Art you’re hungry for another healing wave of God’s presence. I think it’s that simple! Just reach your hand out. Put your hand on someone. Lay hands on them and say “be healed in Jesus’ name!” We were just with Art earlier, not only a few minutes ago, and a few people on staff here were healed! I mean just in a minute, in a matter of a second [music begins] and it was not a big show, it was just a very simple thing! Just reach out and just trust Jesus! He’s the Healer! We’ll see you next time on there’s Something More!

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