Sid Roth: Something you touched on,


Katie Souza: Yes.

Sid Roth: Talk a little …

That’s so important.

Talk a little bit about that.

Katie Souza: Well, Caleb was an 85-year-old in a 45-year-old’s

body, because he was from the tribe of Judah,

which means praise.

I believe he praised his way through his life.

This is important.

The Bible talks about worship being able to remove spirits in

our life.

You know in the scripture that says that we wrestle not with

flesh and blood, but against powers,

rulers, principalities?

That we wrestle there means to vibrate.

The way we wrestle, even with the spirit of death and other

principalities and powers, is to vibrate,

is to worship.

Even when you sing, you can put your hand on your throat or your

chest, you can feel your body vibrating.

Sid Roth: How do you worship?

Katie Souza: You know what?

I worship in many different ways,

but I like to first open my mouth and sing.

Sid Roth: Someone that’s not a worshiper,

give them some quick practical advice.

Katie Souza: Okay.

They need to find a song they love,

that just touches their heart.

Turn it on, and no matter how you sound,

open your mouth and vibrate.

Open your mouth and sing.

Sing to the Lord, because that’s going to wrestle,

shake off those demonic powers, including death.

Then after you do that, you feel the peace of the Lord come,

then you can lay down and rest in that worship.

You can begin to praise him out loud or praise him in tongues,

your language, or just be quiet and still.

Be still and know that I am God’s,

that scriptures say.

I worship in many different ways.

I also worship that just by reading the scriptures.

That’s a form of worship.

I worship by taking communion.

That’s a form of worship.

There’s all these ways where we can bring our worship unto the


When we do that, the presence comes.

The Bible says that when the presence comes,

the glory comes, and that we are transformed into his image,

into his likeness, from glory to glory.

That happened to Jesus.

When Jesus was up on the Mount of Transfiguration,

which is where that word transformed comes from,

it says a glory cloud overshadowed him.

It says his appearance suddenly underwent a change.

o as we worship and the glory comes,

our appearance, our physical appearance,

Sid, our body, our organs, our muscles will undergo a physical


We will be transformed into his image.

Sid Roth: But it all starts by surrendering to the God of

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the only option that is left on

Earth, and that’s the Messiah of Israel,


Say this prayer out loud.

“Dear God, I’m a sinner.

I’m so sorry.

I turn from my sins.

I ask the blood of Jesus to wash every bad thing I’ve ever done

away, and I am clean.

Now that I’m clean, come and live inside of me.

I make you not just my savior, but my Lord.


Katie, pray that… that spirit of death is going to leave

people right now.

Katie Souza: Amen.

Just right now in your home, just say,

“Lord, if there’s any sin in me.”

Sid Roth: Lord, if there’s any sin in me.

Katie Souza: “I repent of my law-breaking …”

Sid Roth: I repent … law-breaking..

Katie Souza: “… so that my charges …”

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