SID: Now, Dr. Kynan Bridges says that God wants us to live a supernatural lifestyle, like Jesus. Full of power, free from fear and guilt. Moving in signs, wonders and miracles. That’s normal. Normal is defined by the Bible. I crave that, don’t you?

SID: Let’s face it, most believers don’t live like that until now. Kynan, as long as I’ve known you, which is many years now, you’ve moved in this supernatural. God is exponentially increasing the supernatural. What’s going on in your ministry?

KYNAN: So many miracles are taking place since we’ve been really tapping into this revelation of unlocking the code of the supernatural. Really, you see, every believer has the DNA of heaven on the inside of them. This is profound. Just like natural DNA determines how we look, how we talk, all of that.

KYNAN: Your spiritual DNA determines everything about how you operate in the kingdom. We’ve been teaching on this and we’ve been seeing people travel from all over the country come and they have a cancer diagnosis. They go back, they’re totally healed of cancer. We’ve had instances where people are being set free from demonic powers.

KYNAN: What’s even greater is that people are catching this and they’re going out and they’re being normal. According to you, according to the Bible, and they’re demonstrating the power of God.

SID: Some of the things that are going on, they say, minding his own business, having his own congregation’s service, and 100 people get delivered of demons?


SID: What happened?

KYNAN: Sid, sometimes….

SID: It doesn’t happen to your church, I bet. It should.

KYNAN: Sometimes I think I’m dreaming, but all of a sudden the presence of God comes in. God gives a word of knowledge. He says, “It’s time for people to get set free. And demons begin to come out of people.” Spirits of suicide, death, murder, addiction, adultery. All kinds of demons begin to come out of people.

KYNAN: I don’t touch anybody. I don’t lay a single hand, nor do I have a long conversation with the demons to try to convince them that they need to come out. I don’t interview the demons.

SID: You’re not an investigative reporter.

KYNAN: No, no, no. Not in that regard. The demonic powers began to break, I really feel like this, I’m a child of deliverance. I started my ministry with that. I believe there’s a higher dimension to walking in victory. There’s a new move of the spirit of God, where God is trying to [get] the church to understand who we are.

KYNAN: Really embrace not only who we are, but whose we are, and the one who lives on the inside of us. I believe it’s going to be normal. I believe people are going to get set free in grocery stores. I believe that the daycare center, demons of suicide are going to come out of children.

KYNAN: I believe that the school system, teachers are going to have delivering services in the classroom. Cast out spirits because of this, understanding the code of the supernatural.

SID: What is this profound truth that making the difference in your congregation and in their lives? Then, they go to other people, the same thing happens.

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