JAMES: And so she prayed if you’ll give me another son, I’ll dedicate him to Christ’s service! So then one year later to the very date that she prayed that, I was born and so that means July 3rd, 1952. So when I came out of my momma’s womb I waved my hand!

MIKE: [Laughs]

JAMES: And I said, “Hallelujah!”

MIKE: [Laughs] Well praise God!

JAMES: [Laughing]

MIKE: That’s such a connection between us because my mother had a miscarriage.

JAMES: Yeah.

MIKE: And I was the third child.

JAMES: And I was the third child.

MIKE: And I was very, very, very sickly.

JAMES: Okay.

MIKE: To the point where doctors were saying he may very well die.

JAMES: Yeah.

MIKE: I was Catholic, which is quite different.

JAMES: Yeah, sure.

MIKE: Our family was Catholic and my mother had not dedicated any of the children to God because she thought that meant they would become priests or nuns.

JAMES: [Laughing]

MIKE: And she wanted all her children to marry and have children.

JAMES: Okay. She wanted grandchildren!

MIKE: Yeah! She felt that’s what she wanted us to be.

JAMES: Sure. Yeah.

MIKE: But she was so concerned for me one day all alone in the home she lifted me up to God and she said, “God if you’ll just spare his life I’d dedicate him to the ministry!”   


MIKE: And I’m the only one among my siblings, who is involved in full-time ministry! So I think this illustrates in you and in me the power of a mother’s prayer.

JAMES: Oh, that is really good!

MIKE: The power of a mother’s prayer!

JAMES: I believe in that huge! I know you know we might talk something about one of the books, “The Seer,” but prayer makes history before the throne of God!

MIKE: What a statement!

JAMES: I so believe this! I eat, live it, breathe it! I don’t just write about it. I really try to live it! That we have the opportunity as believers to make history before the throne of Almighty God through our prayers and the prayers of a mother! I know the Book of James says, you know, that the prayer of a righteous man availeth much. But I’m going to like, uh, like play with it, work with that a little!

MIKE: [Laughing]

JAMES: The prayer of a righteous mother availeth much!

MIKE: Yes, absolutely!

JAMES: You know? So yeah!

MIKE: If God listened to anybody, He listens to mamas when they pray!

JAMES: That’s right! Yeah!

MIKE: Well we want to focus on your book “The Seer.”

JAMES: Uh-huh.

MIKE: Now even though I’ve read some of your works for years I had never read “The Seer” until I found out I would be interviewing you. Wow, what a wealth of revelation! And can you start at least unveiling the beginning truth in your book about two streams of the prophetic in the body of Christ?

JAMES: You know you pray over anything that you put your hand to. And for every book they’re almost like babies, you know? And so you really pray into the conception, the concepts, the principles, the work that goes into this. So in understanding Biblically, theologically, and having studied this in Jewish and in Church history and the modern moves of the Holy Spirit, I saw that there were two distinct streams of the prophetic but they converge together to make one mighty river of God. And so I found an illustration. Cause Jesus taught in parables, right?

MIKE: Right.

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