We are going to use genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, neural pharmacology and a whole lot of other stuff that ends with the phrase ology. We are going to use those now to create what Hitler could have only dreamed of in his schemes around the Arian super race. What Nietzsche, the German philosopher, could only have imagined in his writings about the ubermenschen, the superhuman of tomorrow.

And what you need to know first is this dream is no longer considered to be fringe. From national laboratories on down, U.S. budgets this year, last year, the year before. There is a blueprint being devised. Your tax dollars are flowing in. In fact I spoke not long ago at the Ohio Science and Supernatural, you like that? Science and Supernatural, a blending of the two, which is of course a trans-humanist theme. I spoke at that conference and I went to Ohio fully convinced that the average Ohioan was unaware of how right there in their state in recent years the Case Western Reserve Law School had been the recipient of 700 and 73 thousand dollars from the NIH.

The NIH is the largest department of its kind in the U.S. that gives your tax dollars for this kind of research. But why did they give, uh, Case Western Reserve Law School nearly a million dollars? It was so that this character, somewhere right here, Professor Maxwell Mehlman, the lead bio-ethicist at Case Western Reserve Law School, could lead a team of law professors, that’s very important, scientists, bio-ethicists, other interested and qualified parties for one purpose really, first of all to do this. For those of you that can’t read that I’ll read it for you. It says a 2-year project to develop standards for tests on human subjects in research that involves the use of genetic technologies to enhance normal individuals. To make them smarter, to make them stronger, and notice this little eugenic caveat: to make them better looking! You like it? So better looking in whose opinion? Right? Now it smacks of eugenics.

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