And folks, that those kind of questions are going to have to be asked sooner than later was actually dramatically illustrated by a professor by the name of Evan Balaban who was doing research at the McGill University in Montreal Canada. And what Balaban did…am I hypnotizing you?… What Balaban did was he took the developing brain matter of embryonic quail and he genetically engineered it into the developing brain matter of embryonic chickens. And when the chickens were born and they begin to grow they started exhibiting the head bobs and the vocal trills of quail. And what his experiment illustrated is that very, very complex behavior patterns can be transferred from one species to another species through genetic engineering.

Well how big, and with this one I’m going to rush to get done, how big might the implications from Professor Balaban’s research be? Here is the front cover of the Global Governance 2025: At a critical juncture report. This is a report filed not long ago by the United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence working with the European Institute of Security Studies. So in other words the top intelligence agencies of the U.S. working with the top intelligence agencies of, uh, Europe and produced this report. Now what’s this report about?

This report tries to imagine by 2025, so within 12 years of, between now and the next 12 years, what might be a threat that would cause all of the nations of the world to suddenly have to come together in a one world government in mutual defense of one another.

What might the scenario be that would suddenly cause all of us to have to rush together to try to protect ourselves from some unprecedented, uh, threat? And so they talk about the possibility of suddenly we detect an asteroid and an asteroid is headed towards the earth. It’s going to be here in one year. All of a sudden we need everybody on earth to come together to try to come up with some kind of a defense.

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