So He warned them destruction was coming. Then He warned them in Matthew 24 the Temple would be destroyed. And they knew it would be in a generation. Why do you think in the Book of Acts, it wasn’t happening anywhere else, it was not happening in Antioch, it was not happening in Alexandria. Why were the Jewish people in Jerusalem selling their property? Why was it that Ananias and Sapphira sold their property and were supposed to distribute the money to the poor, they kept part of it back? Why was Barnabus, a businessman selling his property?

And here’s the answer. Would you sell your property if you were told that the city you live in in forty years, a real person of God, a real, an angel came, and said in forty years everything’s going to be destroyed would you just wait “til the 39th year and try to get out? No, you would say well let’s go somewhere where it’s safer. The Jewish people, the believers in Israel in the Book of Acts are selling their property in Jerusalem because they know destruction’s coming and they’re getting out while the getting’s good. And they’re taking their money to help the poor people.

And this is why before the destruction in 70 A.D. according to Philip Schaff “History of the Christian Church” a whole group of Christians fled the city of Jerusalem and got out before the destruction and went to the city of Pella, which is in Jordan, I think Sid probably has visited that at some point, and there they received asylum from Herod, from one of the, from one of the leaders, let me say it that way, they received asylum from him, and they built a Christian community and when Jerusalem was burning in 70 A.D. and then the Jews were being slaughtered on the Temple mount the Christians who listened to the words of Jesus had already fled the city and had gone over, now, let me say, this is the point I want to make: When Peter said it’ll come to pass “in the last days” he knew the words of Jesus. He knew they had a generation to get everything done.

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