And then what happened with John, and I, I, don’t remind me of the “Seven Seal Book” if I get off of it because I got to finish this, but see the thing about John was this: one of the reasons that Domitian, who was an Emperor, uh, he boiled, do you”all know, do you all know about this? He boiled the early fathers said they took John to Rome and put him in oil to boil him because they didn’t like it because the rumor was out that as long as he lived that he would live to see Jesus return.

See this was still circulating. Read John 21. It’s circulating among the church. John is still living. The Temple’s been destroyed. Whooo! I, I believe, probably, I’m, I’m speculating, but back in there they’re probably saying “Whooo, a 100 A.D. is coming, a hundred is His cycle, it took Noah a hundred years to build the Ark.” Whooo! C’mon you all listening. You know, like people do today, I’ve been excited about numbers before. And so everybody, everybody’s like it’s coming, it’s about to happen! So they boil John in oil saying “if we can kill him it’ll stop all these rumors.” He got boiled in oil and lived.

The tradition says when he got boiled in oil and lived the whole, the whole stadium got saved. Which made the emperor even more mad and they banished him to the Isle of Patmos thinking that if they banished him there everybody would forget him. And instead he got a visitation from God of the Book of Revelation and got caught up, what about it. God will give you a visitation in bad places! C’mon! God will visit you in rough places, hallelujah! Isn’t that something?


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