admin on January 3rd, 2021

He never, ever said “I want to go back to Egypt.” Now remember Egypt is a “type” [symbol] of the world. His appetite for the world was gone, because he had one encounter with God. You see we’re always trying to get people to pray a formula “sinner’s prayer” at churches. And don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to make a movement of people saying “well, you know that’s not what we’re going to do.” But what one thing I’m saying is that we should add on to that is why don’t we give the Holy Spirit time to minister in the presence of God to them so that now all of a sudden they’ve tasted the heavenly gift? Okay? Moses tasted, he saw, he tasted at the burning bush. He said I’ve got to bring these people out there.

So he brings them out to that mountain. God says, all right, Moses, you tell them the whole reason I brought you out of Egypt was to bring you to myself. Go look it up in Exodus 19, it’s amazing. The whole reason I brought them out of Egypt was to bring them to myself. It’s in there. Read it. It’s amazing. So He says I’m so excited I’m going to come down there and introduce myself to  on the third day. So get ‘em ready the next two days and the third day I’m going to come down, which is prophetic, and I’m not going to go into that. So Moses gets them all ready, they wash their clothes, God comes down on the mountain and what do they do? They all run away, and they say Moses, we can’t handle God.

You talk to God, tell us whatever he says, we’re going to hear and do it. And that’s amazing to me, right? And so Moses is heart-broken. And so his response to the people is Exodus 20:20, where He says, “Do not fear,” now look at me, do not fear because God’s come to test you. What’s the test? To see if His fear is in you so that you may not sin. Wait a minute. Do not fear, because God’s come to test you to see if His fear is in you so that you may not sin. He’s not contradicting himself, he’s differentiating between being scared of God and the fear of the Lord. As I said earlier, the person who fears God— well the person who’s scared of God, I should say it this way, has something to hide. That’s why Adam hides from the presence of the Lord. Okay? But the person who fears God has nothing to hide. Okay? They’re scared to be away from God. So the first definition of the fear of the Lord is to be terrified of being away from Him. You know I’ll never forget, back in the 1990’s, it was 1994, Jim Bakker had read a book that I had written called “Victory in the Wilderness,” it was the first book I had ever written. He read it in prison.

He had been in prison for 4 years. When he read it he contacted his assistant from prison and he said could you please find this author and ask him to come visit me in prison. So I remember I agree to do it. And I walked into the prison and he comes out in his prison garb and grabs me and he holds me and he hugs me and he won’t let me go. Finally he grabs my shoulders and he said ‘did you write it or a ghost writer?” I said, ‘no sir, I wrote it. I’ve gone through a wilderness but not near what you’ve gone through.” He said “We have so much to talk about. Sit down.” And I remember he looked at me and he said this prison was not God’s judgment on my life, it was his mercy on my life. He said because John, honestly, if I would have kept living the way I was living I would have ended up in hell forever.

When he said that to me I thought, okay, you have my attention, complete, total attention. So after about 20 minutes I felt very, very comfortable with him and I thought I’m going to ask him some questions. My first question was “Jim, when did you fall out of love with Jesus?” At what point did you stop loving Jesus? Because You have to understand as a little boy I grew up in Whitehall Michigan which was 15 minutes away from where he pastored in Muskegon Michigan. So I said, “When did you stop loving Jesus, how’d it happen—” And he looked at me and he said “I didn’t.” —What? What do you mean you didn’t fall out of love with Jesus? I said, Jim, you committed adultery with Jessica Hahn, you did all this mail fraud, all this stuff you’re in jail for. What do you mean you didn’t fall out of love with Jesus? And I’m perplexed and he sees I’m perplexed. And he looked right at me and he said, “I didn’t fear God.” And he said, ‘there’s millions of Americans just like me. They love Jesus, but they don’t fear God.” You see, you have to understand the New Testament teaches that He is Abba, Daddy.

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admin on December 28th, 2020

MARILYN: And it’s gone? Not there? And not coming back. So put up your hands. Say: “Bye, bye growth.” You’re not coming back!” Amen. Amen. Stay in faith. Let’s see, was that four?


SID: Marilyn—


SID: I just have a hunch. I want her to testify. Would you come here, please? Let’s get by the light. But what did God just do for you?

WOMAN #2: I had a growth. I’ve had it almost a year. And I keep covering it up by make-up. And it’s, it kept growing, it was red, it was right here on my nose, and it was getting very large. And I claimed my healing and it’s gone. (laughing) Right here where everybody can see it. Amen.


MARILYN: Now who prayed for her? Say we did! (audience says “we did”) Amen. So this is happening because we are united in the name of Jesus, it’s His provision and the cross. Now you have 4, right? Okay, I’m going to give you the 5th one. And this is “healing through transference.” So of course the laying on of hands is part of that. But also the anointing of oil. You know James tells us to anoint the sick and we see the disciples doing it. So what is that? That’s a transference of anointing. When I lay hands on someone, I’m transferring anointing. But also I can anoint someone with oil. Now this is not hokey, pokey, spooky stuff.

This is Bible. And our faith is in the name of Jesus. But there’s something with people with our faith sometimes it helps us if we see something, do you know what I’m saying, and you anoint people with oil [and] some way they release their faith because that helps them. The other way, and of course there are more than this way, look at the River Jordan that Naaman dipped in. That’s kind of an unusual transference, isn’t it? The Jordan River, don’t go and try to jump in it. But I think prayer cloths in Acts 19, 11 and 12, they took cloths from the body of Paul, not spooky, put it on the sick and demon possessed, and people were healed. Am I right?


MARILYN: And so I believe you can put a cloth on someone. Now I’m going to tell you a sneaky thing I did with Sarah. When she was, oh 14— no maybe later, more like 19 or 20, and she had some doubts with her faith. So I had someone pray over a prayer cloth with me for her to be delivered from any rebellion or any of this stuff the devil’s trying to do, and I put it in her pillow. She didn’t know it but she got delivered. So one day when we were on television I was telling this. She said, ‘mom, I didn’t know you’d do it, you did that.” I said, “I know it, but it worked.”


MARILYN: Now take out a Kleenex or a napkin or maybe even a piece of paper because I want healing to go out of this room. Amen? Because you’re healers, amen? I heard some of the wildest things Brother Shambach used to tell about a woman with a piece of candy that he prayed over. And her son was totally delivered, put the piece of candy in his mouth and was delivered. So don’t worry about what you are holding. We’re just going to believe God. So hold it up. Say: Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that the one whose body touches this is healed and delivered, in Jesus name. I thank you I can transfer Your anointing to the sick, and I thank You. Amen. Now put it someplace you’re not going to forget or use it on your nose [joking] and put it away in a special place and watch how God will open this. The last thing I’m want to to tell you is probably one of the most unusual miracles in our family.

My father was put in a mental hospital when I was 19. He had a complete breakdown. And the doctor said he will never be better. And he was in a terrible shape, they gave him shock treatments. It was really, really bad. And my mother, not me, I wasn’t strong in faith, I was born again but I wasn’t strong in faith, but my mother went to a meeting with us to William Branham, and William Branham, word of knowledge working here, so watch how God, He has all these ways, [Branham] said: ‘there’s a woman here, you’re crying over there,” and he said, ‘take the handkerchief your tears are on, you think your husband is demon possessed, but his mind is broken. Put it on his body and he will be healed.” So my mother took it up to the hospital, pinned it to his pajamas, and within one year my father was out, saved, water baptized. “Transferring anointing.”

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admin on December 14th, 2020

ART: Every bit of His sacrifice pays the price for every bit of your wholeness. Body, soul and spirit complete wholeness. He paid to save your spirit. He paid to save your body. He paid to save your soul. He wants you completely whole. And that’s what the Greek word for salvation, “soteria,” means. It can be translated “salvation.” It can also be translated “health.” It’s what the Greek word for saved, “Sozo,” it means “saved.” It can be translated “heal.” Even the Hebrew word “Rapha” in fact the first descriptive name of God in scripture, remember we said one of the litmus tests it has to  agree a 100% with the nature of God. God revealed His nature through His name.

Fair? So when He’s called “Jehovah Tsidkenu,” the Lord our righteousness” God is righteous. In fact it’s His identity. Like you can’t, it’s not even like an aspect of Him. It’s who He is. You can’t separate it from Him. There’s never a time when God is not righteous. But the first descriptive Yahweh or Jehovah name of God was simply this: “The Lord our healer.” “Jehovah Rapha.” Wow. That was the first way He revealed Himself descriptively in scripture to Moses and it was specifically referencing physical healing but interestingly the Hebrew word  “Rapha” can be translated also to mean forgiveness. And there’s several places in scripture where it is. Most often, I think it’s about 35 times, it’s translated specifically regarding physical healing. Sometimes it’s figurative. Sometimes it’s forgiveness.

So Jesus paid for your complete wholeness. Now that agrees with the 100% of the Bible. Jesus purchased healing for everyone. When we pray for healing, we’re commanded in the name of Jesus is probably a better phrase. We’re simply asking for something that was already paid for. Right? It’s not even like we have to convince God to make a new decision. It’s the same thing with salvation. When you come to Him and you say Lord, would you forgive me for all the sins I’ve committed. Wash me clean. Make me a new creation. He’s not sitting up there stroking His beard, His long godly beard saying I’m not sure if I want to do that, you know and deliberating and walking through. No. He decided 2000 years ago when He sent Jesus to the cross He wants to forgive you. So when you come to Him and ask He’s already paid the bill. It’s already done.

He’s like here you go, freely you’ve received, now freely give. Now you get to go out and do the same thing for others. In fact Jesus commissioned His disciples in John 20 you go and tell people they’re forgiven. If you forgive” em they’re forgiven. If you don’t forgive ‘em they’re not forgiven. This is our responsibility to carry and He also commissioned us to heal the sick. Now let’s see something that agrees 100% with the example of Jesus. Now first we have to be clear that Jesus although he was 100% God, He humbly came to earth as a man. All right? Philippians 2: 6 through 8 is clear that Jesus gave up everything about Himself that could be considered God and humbled Himself to become completely human and die a human death, even a criminal’s death on a cross even though He was innocent. So Jesus stepped out of that place so that He could walk among us.

Even though He’s still 100% God, he set that aside to be an example for you. That’s why in John 5 He was able to say the Son can do nothing by Himself. He only does what He sees the Father doing. Jesus said I can do nothing by Myself. That’s how much He had set aside His Godhood to set an example for you. And then told you yeah, even though I’m the son of God, you can become sons of God. Even ladies, you are sons, by position. Like I have to be the bride of Christ so you can be, you know, you can be sons.  

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admin on December 4th, 2020

JOHN: They’re not singing, these seraphim. You know what? I’ve been, I’ve been, I’ve been here for ten trillion years. God, can I go see some other parts in the universe? They don’t, they don’t want that. They don’t want to be anywhere else. Because there’s nothing in creation more beautiful than the Creator. And so every moment another facet of His glory is being revealed. And all they can do is cry “holy!” And they’re crying “Holy” so loud the doorposts of that auditorium, that can seat probably a billion people are shaking. And you know what builders told me when I lived in Florida, they said if you’re ever stupid enough to hang around when a hurricane comes through, get underneath the door jams of the interior room of the house, it’s the most stable part of the structure.

Their cries of responding to what they see are shaking a building in heaven that seats a million, a billion people. Do you understand Isaiah’s groveling, he’s groveling on the ground, “I’m coming apart at the seams” and he’s crying out “Woe is me” because he realized who he was before this holy God. Look, don’t get me wrong. Jesus brought us and reconciled us back to the Father. But He’s still God, and in the New Testament He’s still called “the consuming fire.” He’s still called “the just and holy God” in the New Testament. So we have to understand Him as Daddy and we have to know Him as King. And when you understand that when we know Him as Daddy, [and] we know Him as King, we leave a very healthy life. Can I pray for you tonight?


JOHN: You say, John, you know what? —Can I tell you, let me tell you this. How did this all begin with me? I went to a church back in the mid-nineties. They had just had an internationally-known revivalist. He was there for 4 weeks. The community had 60,000 people in it and the church had a 1000 members. They had 1/60th of the community in that church. It was a hopping church. I went in there and I preached a little bit on the fear of the Lord, much lighter version of what you heard tonight “cause I didn’t know what I know now. The next night when I got up to speak again the pastor got up and corrected me for 15 minutes.

He said, “We don’t— John is confused, we do not have to fear the Lord because the Bible says “perfected love casts out fear,” we have the Father, we love Him, we don’t have to fear Him.” Well he confused the spirit of fear with the fear of the Lord. And I’ll never forget I went out the next day and I found a construction site “cause I like love praying outside. And I remember I literally, I, I was terrified, I thought “God, I hurt your church, I’ve been corrected by a pastor for 15 minutes before I was introduced last night.” And I said, “I’ve hurt Your church, I’m so sorry.” And I remember crying out to God. And I didn’t feel his displeasure, I felt His pleasure.

And before that prayer time was over I found myself crying out for the fear of the Lord.   And that’s how my whole journey began. And so tonight I want to pray with you that the same Holy Spirit of the fear of the Lord will manifest and fill your life. Because you know the Bible says “the fear of the Lord is safe.” I don’t know about you but I want to be safe. Right? It’s too, too messed up of a world right now. And I’m not scared of the world, believe me I’m not scared. When you’re safe you’re fearless when it comes to the world. Okay? You don’t go hide, you’re fearless. You’re going to serve who you fear. If you fear God you’re not going to fear anything the world has to throw at you. But if you fear men you’re going to serve men. I don’t know about you but I want to serve God. Amen?


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admin on November 24th, 2020

Because You have to understand as a little boy I grew up in Whitehall Michigan which was 15 minutes away from where he pastored in Muskegon Michigan. So I said, “When did you stop loving Jesus, how’d it happen—” And he looked at me and he said “I didn’t.” —What? What do you mean you didn’t fall out of love with Jesus? I said, Jim, you committed adultery with Jessica Hahn, you did all this mail fraud, all this stuff you’re in jail for. What do you mean you didn’t fall out of love with Jesus? And I’m perplexed and he sees I’m perplexed. And he looked right at me and he said, “I didn’t fear God.” And he said, ‘there’s millions of Americans just like me.

They love Jesus, but they don’t fear God.” You see, you have to understand the New Testament teaches that He is Abba, Daddy. But the same New Testament says He’s the consuming fire. Okay? So you have to understand something. If you don’t have the love of God and you don’t have the fear of God you’re going to end up in a rut. How many of you know that Jesus said the road to life is a narrow road? Right? How many of you know that every road’s got two ditches on both sides? Right? So the first ditch is called “legalism.” Now the church in the 1960’s was in a legalistic ditch. Now I wasn’t a Christian back in the 60’s, I didn’t saved until “79.

But let me tell you something, I saw the remnants of this legalistic move. Because women would wear their hair up in a bun    remember, they didn’t cut their hair and wore it up in a big bun, and they didn’t wear any make-up, and they had dresses down to their ankles. You know you can have a dress down to your ankles, you can have your hair up in a bun, you can have no make-up but still have a seducing spirit up to your eyeballs. Okay? That’s not holiness. Okay? So it was all about an outward form to try to hide a deficiency that was in our hearts and we were in legalism. Right? So what happened in the 60’s? God brings a revelation to the church. You know what the revelation was, he used one man to do it. God is a good God, and something good can happen to you. The man was Oral Roberts, right? And then the Charismatic move began.

Right? And we found out our Daddy loved us. What did the love of God do? It delivered us from the ditch of legalism. But you know what we did? We said I went so far from that ditch I’ll never fall in again and we went to the other side of the road and fell into that other ditch. And the other ditch is called lawlessness or lasciviousness which is an excessive, fleshly, worldly, disobedient lifestyle. And God’s given us a force that keeps us, keeps us out of that ditch. It’s called the fear of the Lord. So you see it takes the love of God and the fear of God to keep us healthy. Okay? It’s like two sides of a coin, you got heads and tails, if you don’t have tails you don’t have a coin, you need them both. And so when we understand that God is Abba, Daddy, but He’s also the King, He’s also the consuming fire we understand that yes, we can jump in His lap, there are times for that but then there’s other times, let me tell you, I didn’t feel it was the time to jump in His lap when He came into Brazil like He did.

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