admin on October 27th, 2021

JOSHUA: I was praying in the streets of West Palm Beach. I remember this was one of the very training moment that me and, God had with me. I remember seeing an actual Satanist there with pentagrams and all this stuff over him. I knew that this person served the devil like I served God. Of course, demonstration is what you want to do because you cannot deny demonstration.

I want to go over there and God says, “Don’t show power, show love.” I’m like, “That’s unusual.” I’m like, “Okay.” I sit beside him and I look at him and he turns to me and says, “I have more power than you.” Immediately, already trying to get me in the flesh.

SID: Into fear.

JOSHUA: Yes. Into fear. I’m like, “Oh, man.” I’m perceiving all the demons around this person. Literally, the covenants he had made with the enemy. I said, “No.” I began to share the love of Jesus. As I’m sharing the love of Jesus, he began to growl and get mad. I felt, which was very wild, because I’d never experienced that before. I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and love that I just cared for him so much.

Even in that mess, he began to get up and swing at me. When he began to do that, I was smiling. I was just going to let it happen and he stopped. He froze. I had a flash. I saw an angel holding his arm and he was like, “What happened?” I said, “An angel is holding you.” He says, “What is this?” “I told you that the Lord loves you.” I saw one little tear come out. I knew there was an open, there was an opportunity to minister to him.

I began to share it to him the gospel and the saving grace of Jesus Christ. He says, “What do I do?” I said, “Just repeat after me, renounced his covenants. Renounce the altars and everything he had done, and the occult.” Gave him a hug. Power of God hit him. He walked away, never the same.

SID: Another thing that is wonderful, the Bible says, if you want wisdom, ask God. Josh did that, but it was way beyond his pay grade, so to speak. He’s got inventions, businesses. Just tell me in the gym, you bumped into some people that are very prosperous investors. You [don’t] know that much about the market, nothing, zilch. What happened?

JOSHUA: I owned a gym in Palm Beach. God was able to supernaturally get me there, although I have a GED. I don’t have the natural education to even sustain where he had placed me. I was walking around with millionaires and billionaires with a B, hand-in-hand sowing principles into them. One of the things we need to know about winning souls is what level are they at? Are they ready to be harvested? Can you go right in and just pray and get them? Is there times where you have to sow seed into them? Over time, most of them, I had to sow seed into a, principles, and it began to change their heart. Before you know it, they began to give their life to Christ, renounced witchcraft, all these things, but they trusted me. I would be in the gym and all these people love watching the stock

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admin on October 17th, 2021

SID: Laurie, these visions that you’ve had. Yes, they’re for Laurie. One of them saved her life, but they are for everyone that is listening.

LAURIE: Yes, Sid.

SID: That’s what’s so exciting. It’s almost like she takes some of the oxygen from heaven and brings it to Earth for you. Tell me about the vision that cemented your identity. What did God show you in this vision?

LAURIE: Thank you. Sid, I arrived in heaven with these two angels in uniform. They were wearing their wings and they were bringing me to the Lord and I could see Him. He was down like a meadow and there were people all around Him. And one of his angels there spoke to Him and said, “She’s here.” And I knew they were talking about me. Oh, I felt so wonderful. She is me, she’s here. And He looked up and He wanted me to come quickly. So He started to come in. My angels wanted me to hurry. But as I looked down, I saw my dress and this dress is not a dress you want to have in heaven. It was the wrong color. But it wasn’t about the color. It was so immodest. Definitely not a dress I would wear as a saved woman.

And I just wanted to cover up. I didn’t want the Lord to come by and as He came close. It’s like, He couldn’t see the dress. He went to put His hand on my face. And when the Lord touches your face, so wonderful, but I didn’t want that. I said, “Don’t touch me.” And instantly He got serious. He said, “What are the charges?” And I started to tell Him, “I don’t believe I am who you say I am. I don’t believe I’m important. I don’t think I’m special.” And it kind of that wave left. And He said, “Continue.” And I said, “I don’t believe in you, in what you say, I don’t think you’re going to do everything you said you’re going to do.” And it just kept coming out. And He said, “Continue.” And he wasn’t put off.

I said, “I’m a prostitute.” Which shocked me. I would never done that. But I have done that. What I mean by that is that I have done things for the pleasure of people. I’ve said things in such a way so that they would like me.

SID: Been a people pleaser.

LAURIE: Yeah. But the Lord saw that in heaven, as I was no better than a prostitute. But then Jesus, He looked in my eyes and he said, “Laurie, that’s who you were before I saved you. That’s not who you are now. You’re mine.” I know who I am. I’m his. He marked me. He said it. And I choose to believe it. And when he said it, all this unbelief left me because I’m his and I liked that. I liked being his and I hold on to that because the devil wants to take that away. It’s my identity.

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admin on October 7th, 2021

LARRY: Yeah. Well I want to move into a time of ministry right now, because what the Holy Spirit wants to do is make you aware of that river of living water that lives inside of you. Jesus said, Out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. That’s the Holy Spirit who’s already inside of you. You don’t need to wait for a feeling; you need to just recognize your authority in Jesus, and step-out in that authority. Donna, just based on what you have seen God do, just based on how you’ve seen God move, can you just release that over our over the people who are watching? Specifically, I feel like the Lord wants to increase our awareness.


LARRY: of that authority we’ve received.

DONNA: I’ve just been seeing.

LARRY: Yeah; yeah.

DONNA: as I’ve been sitting here, there are so many people that have been. MUSIC

DONNA: operating on that level of the flesh.


DONNA: and there’s been like a cloud of oppression over your mind and spirit. The enemy has been lying to you, saying that you’re out for the count.


DONNA: and that there’s no hope. And so we’re just going to call the devil a liar.


DONNA: right now, and we’re going to learn how to speak to him; but it’s going to come from that inner release of worship and praise. Maybe you’ve never been baptized in the Holy Spirit, and now is your time for that. Jesus said, Out of your belly, out of your spiritual womb, would flow rivers of living water. 


DONNA: And as you begin to pray, you’re going to feel a release. And this is how you’re going to actually CLAPS feel that oppression leave you.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: right now. Father, in the name.


DONNA: of Jesus, as I stretch my hand to this one who’s sitting in their living room, Lord, orwherever they are watching this program, God, they open their mouth.


DONNA: in praise to You. We worship You. We thank You that You ARE the very present help in the time.


DONNA: of trouble, God. And so Father, we REFUSE to accept the lie of the enemy.


DONNA: We say, Devil, you ARE a liar; you’re the father of lies, and we won’t cower.


DONNA: to your words any longer. We receive the release of the Holy Spirit.


DONNA: And we thank You, God, that our faith is coming alive to connect with what You want to do through us, Lord. We yield ourselves as vessels.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: Lord, vessels of honor to Your purposes, God, with a new compassion.


DONNA: flowing out of us, Lord. Even as we just speak the name of Jesus.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: and lay hands on people, we’re going to start seeing them recover.


DONNA: and lives will be changed. And as Larry said, even the ATMOSPHERE.


DONNA: around us will be changed.

LARRY: Yes, Lord.

DONNA: because we are people that are ushering in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Be FREE.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: in Jesus’ mighty name.

LARRY: Yeah. Thank you so much for joining us today on Something More. I do believe you’re going to walk away with a new revelation of the AUTHORITY that you already have inside of you. You don’t need to pull God down from Heaven; He already lives inside of you. The Spirit of the risen Jesus lives inside of you. GO FORTH in that anointing; GO FORTH in that authority; and step into every impossible situation. Know that the Jesus who conquered the grave actually lives inside of you, and He has authorized you to conquer as well. Thanks for joining us today.

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admin on September 26th, 2021

JOHN: Serve them. And share your faith with them.


JOHN: And it’s not linear. Its, think about, first begin praying. Because God cares about them. And you can’t see what’s going on under the surface. But He does, and He’ll begin to show you how to minister as you listen to their story. Jesus listened way more than He answered. You know.

DONNA: And that was easy. That way you just said. All of those things, those five things. That was easy.

JOHN: Yeah. You don’t have to make it real complicated. You know, you listen for their story. Listening values a person.

DONNA: Good point.

JOHN: And then as you hear their story you begin to see, that’s the pain. That’s the point of need or desire that God is –


JOHN: God is prompting there. He’s drawing everyone to Himself. And so you can speak into that.

DONNA: Yeah.

JOHN: You know, eating with them. Jesus went, and He ate with the tax collectors and the sinners. That’s what the religious said. Why do You do this?


JOHN: And He said, It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

DONNA: Yeah.

JOHN: It’s not the righteous, but sinners that I’ve come for.


JOHN: Which, honestly, those Pharisees saying that weren’t healthy or righteous. They were going to crucify Him.

DONNA: [Laughs] Exactly.

JOHN: Jesus is being sarcastic.

DONNA: Yeah. Yeah.

JOHN: He was saying, You just don’t realize that you need My forgiveness and My guidance just as much as these people do.

DONNA: Uh-huh.

JOHN: And so then we serve. We look for ways to serve people. Or invite them to serve with us. Because Jesus came to serve. As we serve, were being like Jesus. Were showing what God is like.

DONNA: Sure. Sure.

JOHN: He’s a servant.

DONNA: Sure.

JOHN: And then share our story of faith of how, you know, how we’ve come to know God and be restored through His grace.

DONNA: And what a different example that will present to some people that have thought other things about Christians, believers, you know

JOHN: Oh yeah.

DONNA: Because sometimes we do tend to, I’m so sorry, we do tend to shy away from people that are not like us.

JOHN: Or shun them.

DONNA: Or shun them. Oh.

JOHN: Do I have time for a little short story?

DONNA: We do. We’ve got two minutes left, so short story. And then I want you to pray for people.

JOHN: So, Karen was at our church, and she got this new boss who loved to talk about, you know, her party life and sexual escapades. And Karen felt like, as a Christian, she just could not listen to that. And, you know, and animosity grew between them

DONNA: Uh-huh.

JOHN: Until Karen started to pray for her. So she heard this and began praying.

DONNA: And began praying.

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admin on September 16th, 2021

SID: Give me an example of a second step the Lord gave you.

BRIAN: Immediately, I said, “Lord, what’s the second step?” He reminded me that I had been working for the last year and I hadn’t been tithing. I remember that in Malachi, it says that if you bring the tithes and offerings, that God will rebuke the devourer. God will beat the devourer. I said, “It’s one thing for me to rebuke, but it’s another God to rebuke the devourer.” I told my parents, I said, “Listen, I need you to go into my bank account, take out this amount of money and give it to the church.”

That was the second step. The third step the Lord showed me was Proverbs 4:20, where it says, “My son, attend to my words, incline thine ear to my sayings, that my words are life and health and healing, and medicine to all of your flesh.” I began to take all the scripture verses and we papered all the walls of the hospital room.

I would begin to say those scriptures out loud because life and death are in the power of the tongue. “I will not die, but I will live. I will declare the works of the Lord.”

SID: How many times would you say you said the scriptures? Some people think, “Well, I’ll just say it once.” How many times did you say it?

BRIAN: Well, at first, I began to just say, Psalm 116:17, “I will live and not die, declare the works of the Lord.” Psalm 103, “Bless the Lord, Oh my soul. Forget not all his benefits. He forgives all my inequities, heals all my diseases.” At first, I would just say them a few times a day, but my mother stood over me and she said, “No, this is not enough. We need to keep speaking the word of God because life and death are in the power of the tongue.”

Well, another step we did is I spoke to the cancer. I commanded the cancer to leave my body. I commanded the cancer to die and I said, “Cancer, you cannot take my life. I command all cancer to die in Jesus’ name.”

SID: You are, you’re in the death ward. You’ve got hours to live, you’re commanding the cancer, but what did you do about fear? You had to be covered with…

BRIAN: Yes. For the first 10 days, I remember I was tormented by fear. It seems like at midnight, when those fearful thoughts would come, I said, “I cannot stand here and just not do something about it. I remember reaching behind me, and turning on the light and I began to read the scriptures over again.

“No, I will live and not die and declare the words of the Lord.” I began to take authority over fear. I say, “Fear, I resist you in Jesus’ name. “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind.” I had to defeat fear before I defeated cancer. Here we were going on offense, as a family. During this window of time, I actually began to get better.

The doctors were shocked by it because they had just admitted me to keep me comfortable for the last few days. I began to improve. The doctors noticed that. The doctor told me, he said, “We need to have a CAT scan. We need to see where this cancer is.” One afternoon, I was taken to get a cat scan. Then at six o’clock that night, the doctor walked in my room, he was shaking.

He says, “Brian,” he said, “I went to see the radiologist. He called me.” He said, “This young man, I thought I would see cancer. I have checked him from head to toe, a number of times. There’s absolutely no cancer. No evidence of disease in his body.”

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