admin on March 6th, 2020

SID: I’m here with Dr. Kevin Zadai. For those of you that don’t know Kevin, in 1992 he was having a dental procedure, put to sleep and he died and went to heaven. And I have to tell you, Kevin, one of the greatest proofs for the skeptics… I’m sure there are no skeptics watching me right now, of course, but one of the greatest proofs I know of, of someone that died and said they went to heaven and came back, was he couldn’t play any instruments and today, how many do you play?

KEVIN: Right now it’s at 14.

SID: 14 instruments. I remember when I took lessons and I’ll tell you what, it’s not easy. It’s just much better to learn without lessons. So you’re at a pastors meeting, coffee shop, and something very supernatural started happening. These are properly mature pastors that were there.

KEVIN: But this is how the Lord works sometimes. He actually walked in, I saw him stand behind the ministers as they were seated. And in that time, the whole atmosphere changed. And Jesus said to me, he said, “Ask them Kevin, how they would live tomorrow if they knew they couldn’t fail.” And he stood there waiting for me to ask them. And I thought, at this point, they haven’t felt the shift in the room. So I did. I obeyed the Lord. And when I did, they just looked at me. “How would each of you live tomorrow if you knew that you could not fail.” And I explained to them that the limitations have been taken off their ministries and that it’s open heaven now. And the Lord was saying to us, we need to let the Holy spirit take us to heaven and look at our books. We need to pray in the spirit. We need to yield to the Holy spirit because he’s our helper. He’s the one that’s going to counsel us and show us. So this is how it all started with… Sid Roth: By the way, how did they take this? There are many pastors that unfortunately for lack of better words, think that they know it all.

KEVIN: Yeah, well the thing of it was, it actually stunned them and that’s how it goes when you’re dealing with both realms. This realm down here is a fallen world and this realm is slow. And so that’s how they responded to it. They had to let it seep in for awhile. But I can assure you that that’s what the Lord is saying to everyone right now in the body of Christ, is that the limits have been taken off and it’s your turn. That’s what he’s saying. It’s your turn to jump in.

SID: He gave you a phrase that it’s rigged in your favor. What does that really mean?

KEVIN: Well, when I was in heaven, Jesus showed me that everything was already written down before any of my days came into being that Jesus himself wrote a book about me before he breathed me into my mother’s womb. And he let me walk into his eyes and I saw myself being formed in my mother’s womb and I saw that the book was already written. Now everybody has a book, but if you become a Christian and you engage with God, then you can ask God to help you to fulfill what is the perfect will of God, which is those things that are written in the book. So the spirit of God is the spirit of truth. He wants to engage every believer and walk them right into the center of this. The only thing is is that it’s so intense in the perfect will of God that it causes you to go into a breakthrough mode where you break through from the enemy’s strong holds, but then there’s an overthrow where you literally throw the tables over that the enemy has set up. Everything that is against you starts to go into an overthrow mode where the demons start to fly out away from you because of what is happening from the other realm. It’s coming into this realm and manifesting. I’ve seen this happen. It happened to me and it’s starting to happen in our services and it’s completely hands free. I don’t even have to lay hands on people. The whole room fills up with the glory of God.

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admin on February 28th, 2020

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome, to my world. Where it’s, naturally, supernatural. My guest, Dr. Francis Myles, is in South Africa, in a tent meeting, and they bring, a woman, that has been, insane, for 20 years. What happened?

FRANCIS: They bring her into the crusade, and, she has no essence of, being there. The men that were holding her had to hold her all the time because she was trying to run out. Then when the, Lord, brought me closer to pray for her, I saw, her body got opened up and I saw her spirit, and her spirit was surrounded with, what looked like a beehive, of thousands of, demons with twinky eyes. And, then her spirit spoke to me in English.

SID: She didn’t speak English.

FRANCIS: She didn’t speak English. She spoke Zulu.

SID: Zulu.

FRANCIS: And, she, speaks in English and, her spirit says to me, Sid, “Francis, help me.”
Francis, help me.

FRANCIS: It was the most desperate cry, I’ve ever heard in my life. And, in that moment, the fire of God came upon me, and, my interpreter said, I put my finger on her, head and I said, “In the name of Yeshua, unroll.” And when I did that, I saw the golden hand of Jesus, go into her body, and, begin to pull the spirits. They were tied to each other. It was like a long tail, and they began to come out, like that.

And when, the last one came out, it’s like Jesus threw the whole string of these demons, in one string, and the woman fell back with the people who were holding her back, and she recovered first, totally healed, and delivered.

SID: Only Jesus.

FRANCIS: Only Jesus.

SID: Otherwise, 20 years insane, that was her fate for, her whole life.
FRANCIS: She was, eating in the trashcans of, the community. She was well known.

SID: Now, I know, and you know, that the devil, is terrified, at this divine, revelation that you received, of restraining orders, from the court room. Before we even, get into this, tell me the circumstances, of how you got this revelation.

FRANCIS: Yes, I was driving from a crusade where I had seen blind eyes opened, deaf ears opened. I was listening to Ron Kenoly’s song, Jesus is Alive, and I was coming towards, a streetlight. And when I was coming close to it, the Holy spirit says, “When you get to the light, you don’t go through it, go to the right, and take the longer route to go to your house.” Well, when I got to the light, instead of, doing what the Holy Ghost had suggested, what it had to told me to do, I went right through it.

I went as far as the next light, before I heard a bang, and I was spinning, because a truck had hit me from behind. I was in a borrowed car. It was totaled, Sid, and I was terrified, more for the car than for my own life. And while I’m standing, the police arrive and they find the guy who hit my car, did not even have a driver’s license, no insurance. So, I had to repair this car by myself. And then the Holy Spirit says to me at that moment, “When I put an order on you not to go through, you better listen to what I’m saying.” That became the seed, God would use to excite, this entire revelation on issuing divine restraining orders from the courts of heaven.

SID: I hear there have been many that have been teaching on the going to the courtrooms of heaven, but, one of, the most famous men that has taught on this, he heard your revelation and what did he say?

FRANCIS: Oh, Robert Henderson, who was in my church, and, because I had the revelation, I said, “I want to test it in front of Robert.” I said, “Robert, I’m going to test it in front of you, because you’re one of the fathers of the courtroom revelation. He said, “Okay, let me listen to it.” When he heard me teach on issuing divine restraining orders, he says, “Oh my God, I’ve never heard this before and nobody is talking about this side, of the judicial government of God, and so he got me in touch with my publishers, Destiny Image, and that’s how we got the book out.
SID: Now, explain to me what, a divine restraining order is.

FRANCIS: A divine, restraining order is a, restraining or protective order, that is issued, by the courts of heaven, to protect, a person of destiny, institution, business, or nation, in situations, involving, clear, and present danger, to the preordained purposes of God.

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admin on February 27th, 2020

CARLIE: The reason that David had the… We know David being for being famous for chopping off Goliath’s head, but he faced a giant. Many people today are facing giants. They might be called different things, maybe called poverty or sickness or depression or whatever it is. Your giant says different names. The reason that he was able to run after Goliath with such boldness and such confidence was because he’d fought the lion and the bear first. He’d exercise his faith baby on some smaller things. And I just would encourage people today Sid, because sometimes people will be hearing programs like this and thinking, well, where do I even start? Where do I even begin? And you can know we can start exercising our faith on everyday things. Let’s start exercising our faith muscles, not despising small beginnings, but next time we get a headache rather than popping a Tylenol, let’s pray.

SID: But I’m reminded of this young girl, Carlie, that had a little touch of the reality of God but couldn’t put it all together? Well, the truth is you’ll never put it all together because you’re not God. But I can tell you this, if you’ll take that first step, he will run to you and he will put his arms around you. And there’s some that are watching right now you need the love of God to put his arms around you. I want you to say this prayer so that God won’t be just on the outside of you, but we’ll live big inside of you. Dear God-

Audience: Dear God.

SID: … I’ve made many mistakes in my life.

Audience: … I’ve made many mistakes in my life.

SID: … and I’m truly sorry.

Audience: … and I’m truly sorry.

SID: I believe.

Audience: I believe.

SID: … the blood of Jesus.

Audience: … the blood of Jesus.

SID: … has washed away every mistake.

Audience: … has washed away every mistake.

SID: … and I have a new beginning.

Audience: … and I have a new beginning.

SID: And now that I am clean.

Audience: And now that I am clean.

SID: … because of what you did, Jesus.

Audience: … because of what you did, Jesus.

SID: … I ask you now to come and live inside of me.

Audience: … I ask you now to come and live inside of me.

SID: Take over my life.

Audience: Take over my life.

SID: I make you Lord of my life.

Audience: I make you Lord of my life.

SID: Amen.

Audience: Amen.

SID: Now it’s time to flip the switch in reference to your healing. Anyone ready to have the light switch come on?

CARLIE: Father God, I just thank you for everyone that’s watching this broadcast. For everyone that’s listening to the sound of my voice. Right now in the name of Jesus, we take authority over every sickness, over every disease, over all pain. Right now we command sickness and disease to leave your body in Jesus name. I’m seeing brains becoming whole, neurological function returning to people right now in Jesus name. Alzheimer’s is leaving. Parkinson’s is leaving right now. There’s arthritic conditions right now we released the power God in your body. We drive out arthritic conditions, every bit of pain, every bit of inflammation. We command in Jesus name limbs to move, joints to move right now in the name of Jesus. Lord, I thank you that your healing power is flooding through our brothers and sisters right now, from the top of the head to the very souls of their feet, that every ounce, every ounce of sickness, every ounce of disease is draining away from them.

Pain is leaving. There are bound joints that are becoming loose. We speak life back into organs that have ceased to function. I declare over every organ in your body full capacity, full capacity right now. Every symptom, every lying symptom from the pit of hell, we command it to leave right now. Woman, be loosed of your infirmity. Be loosed of your infirmity right now. I said I’m seeing a lady and she has a spine. She has scoliosis of the spine and those vertebrates are lining up. They’re lining up. There’s straightening coming. There’s bones that are growing. Somebody has just holes. There’s a weakness in your bones, like an osteoporosis, but right now those bones are becoming strong. There is bones where they was space between. Someone has knees. Someone’s getting new knees right now where your bones were rubbing together, new knees are being created. This is Holy Spirit knee replacement.

Lord, thank you. Thank you that your power is flooding through us I see is here right now in the name of Jesus. Right now I want to declare an end to infertility. There are women out here, there are married couples who have been trying for a baby for years with nothing. You’ve had parts of your body removed, you have things that don’t function, but God is doing a creative miracle inside of you right now. There’s ovaries that are coming back to life. Right now we declare health and wholeness over your reproductive system and we declare the fruit of your womb blessed in Jesus’ name.

SID: Repeat after me, I have flipped the switch.

Audience: I have flipped the switch.

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admin on February 17th, 2020

SID: You know, Andre, you were mentored by someone who’s now in heaven and was a guest on my television show, Jill Austin. And one of the things that she was famous for is she had a passion for people to have encounters with God, experiences with God. And she would just say, “Holy Spirit, come.” And guess what? The Holy Spirit would come. Now you had occasion to see her minister many times. Tell me a few of the manifestations that occurred with her.

ANDRE: Oh wow. There’s so many with Jill. One of the major ones that sticks out in my mind is a young man who was rather rebellious, and came to one of Jill’s meetings. And his friends asked him, “Oh, aren’t you afraid to go to this meeting?” And he goes, “No, I’ve been around Bob Jones, Paul Kane, and nothing ever happens to me.” So when he walked into the room, he said two huge hands grabbed him around the waist, whispered in his ear and said, “I thought you said nothing ever happens to you,” and slams him to the floor. And for three hours he’s wrestling with the angel. And you can literally see this happening because he would try to crawl away and it would pull him back.

SID: Excuse me for a second. Some of you skeptics, did you ever hear about Jacob wrestling with an angel? It’s even in the Bible, but go ahead.

ANDRE: And so it radically changed his life. He became a missionary to Mexico and is in ministry today.

SID: Some of you are saying, “why would God do that?” It radically changed his life. Did you hear that? He’s now in ministry. Andre, Jill Austin prayed over you, and when she prayed her impartation over you, what did she say?

ANDRE: She said that out of all of her spiritual children that I walked the most like her and moved like she did. That’s my heart. I want to see God touch people, and people have radical encounters with God. It’s not enough just to go to church anymore. You know, if we were just going to be in church and sit in the pews, what’s the point. I’d rather go do something different. But if God is going to meet with his people when his manifest presence comes. And you know, I know God’s omnipresent, and he’s everywhere all the time, but the reality is his manifest presence doesn’t come like that all the time. And I’m praying for 2 Chronicles 5 where the glory cloud shows up and the priest can’t stand to minister because God himself begins to move.

SID: So, an atheist comes into one of your meetings.

ANDRE: I used to do a youth camp up in the mountains outside of Seattle. And you know how in youth camps parents send all their kids that they hope God touches, which kind of makes it difficult sometimes because they’re very rebellious.

SID: All the troublemakers.

ANDRE: Yeah. One young man came and he said, “Okay God, if you’re real, have somebody fly tonight.” And so in the meeting, a young man who actually had a halo on because he had just had surgery on his brain, literally picked up…

SID: I mean, I’ve heard of fleeces, I read about Gideon in the Bible, but Gideon didn’t know what a fleece was.

ANDRE: Flew out down the hall, the door swung open. He flew over the parking lot and landed in the snow. So needless to say, the atheist is no longer an atheist.

SID: Again Mr. and Mrs. Skeptic, I have read books of the first believers, and this was not a unique thing. These believers, these early saints, many of them flew. There’s one entire book on this, but forget their experiences. How about the Bible? Do you remember Elijah? Do you remember Enoch? Do you remember Jesus? They all flew. I believe that this may even become common when the glory really hits us.

ANDRE: Yeah, I believe that. I believe we haven’t seen anything yet. We’ve only seen a little bit. It’s kind of like an iceberg. We see the tip at the top, but the major part of the iceberg’s under the water. And I believe the iceberg is coming up, and we’re going to begin to see God move and it’s… because we need it. We need it in the world today. That’s why people are running to psychics and mediums, and that’s what’s common on TV, because they want an encounter with something that’s greater than they are. Well we the church, has the greatest thing on the inside of us. It’s the Holy Spirit. The same Shekinah Glory that rested over the ark of the covenant, now resides on the inside of us, and we just got to let Him out, to let Him out and do what He wants to do because God loves touching people.

SID: You know what I’m reminded of is, you’re telling that. Most people don’t know this, but in Israel, when a young person graduates from the military, they take some time off, and they go to a nearby country, and they go to the gurus and the new age mystics. Why? Because if we will not show them the authentic, they’ll settle for a cheap counterfeit. It’s time the believers show the authentic. It’s time to be normal.

SID: Now, when Andre talks about the Breaker Anointing, people just automatically, the presence of God comes on their problems. They start repenting of sin and they get so hungry for more of God. This God hunger is the key to the glory. Are you hungry?

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admin on February 7th, 2020

SID: Mario, God told you to study the American youth. What did you find out?

MARIO: When I was asked to study the youth, I had been through the ’60s and the Jesus Movement, but I couldn’t believe the information that’s available on our children and what’s being fed to them, how they’re in despair, how the American suicide rate is off the chart, and it got so ugly that I realized that the playing field had been leveled. I used to think there were bad neighborhoods and good neighborhoods, but the Internet made it all possible for the same demons that hit the child in the ghetto to hit the child in the mansion.

When I found that out, it was late one night, about 2:00 in the morning, and I’d researched all this stuff and, all of a sudden, the room got ugly in like a stench and, evidently, something that I was embarking on was now a existential threat to evil, and the devil began to snarl. I could feel him. These statements, “I will grind them to powder. I will destroy them. I will completely manipulate them. I will turn them into evil. I will chew them up, spit them out and put them in a nameless grave. They will have no hope,” and he kept saying, “I will. I will,” and then, Sid, the glory of God filled my room, and I heard God roar, “But I will pour out my spirit on them.”

SID: Mario, I have to believe that, if the devil made such a point of wanting to kill the youth, the youth will be the devil’s greatest nightmare.

MARIO: Come on, brother.

SID: That’s what I believe.

MARIO: Wow. That’s right.

SID: Then God showed you about a national awakening, and I’m not a California person. I’m an East Coast person.

MARIO: Yes, sir.

SID: There’s something called Highway 99.

MARIO: Runs right through this.

SID: Tell me about all of that.

MARIO: Highway 99 has many cities. It runs from Red Bluff, California, down to Laval Road in Arvin, California. It’s 40 miles south of Bakersfield. I was preaching in Stockton, and after the morning service, I took a nap, and suddenly I was in a dream, the kind of dream that I warn people to be careful about, so I suddenly find myself suspended above the state of California and, with one glance, I was able to see from Red Bluff down to Laval Road, which is several hundred miles, and suddenly this highway, which by the way in… Five years ago, the top 10 worst cities in America, five of them were along that highway, and they have drugs and homelessness.

There’s one city I’m not going to name. They have 12,000 homeless people per capita, more homeless than anywhere else. Entire, vast neighborhoods along the 99 have been devastated by not only drugs and gangs, but the Mexican mafia has its only real footprint in America along that place, so I’m staring at the highway. It turns into a river, and it became a river, and I see trees popping, and he said, “These trees represent leaves of healing. There’s going to be thousands saved along this highway.”

I was miraculously given a tent five years later and completely forgot the dream. I’d mentioned it once in a while, told the people that lived in Stockton about it, but, one night, the Lord said, “I’d give you this tent and a thousand chairs. You take it from the top of 99 to the bottom, and you will see it will become a corridor of the glory of God.”

SID: He didn’t tell you to go into the upper class areas. You are going, from what I understand, in the most crime infested, gang-controlled, drug- infested, scariest, prostitution-effected areas imaginable. I’m going to take you to Paradise.

MARIO: Yes, sir.

SID: Tell me what happened there.

MARIO: Paradise, California, was like Dresden in Germany. When it was carpet-bombed by the Americans, there was nothing left. 24,000 buildings were destroyed in Paradise, California. It was nothing left. The water, you couldn’t drink it. The grid was gone.

SID: Awful fire.

MARIO: It is the first American city that we could say was entirely destroyed by fire, not even San Francisco could say that in 1906, and the Lord said, “Go to Paradise, California,” and I said, “There’s no one there.” He said, “Go,” and I’m thinking to myself going in that 88 people died in that fire and most of their relatives are going to be under this tent. I’m going to be preaching to people whose parents, loved ones, wives, husbands died in a fire, and instead, the power of God came and, the comfort of the Lord, it was amazing, and the Lord said, “This is just the beginning of what you’re going to see.”

From there, we had a tent meeting actually before Paradise in Marysville with the Five30 Event Center there with Jim Carpenter and Christine, and we had young kids who shaved their heads and tattooed Hitler on the side of their… It said Hitler and a swastika on one side. They’re at the altar. They’re the ones that God told me about. The devil said, “I’m going to destroy them.” Here they are down on the ground, spread-eagle, sobbing to be born again.

SID: Mario says he will reveal your purpose when we return, and it’s different than what you think.

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