admin on May 8th, 2023

So He warned them destruction was coming. Then He warned them in Matthew 24 the Temple would be destroyed. And they knew it would be in a generation. Why do you think in the Book of Acts, it wasn’t happening anywhere else, it was not happening in Antioch, it was not happening in Alexandria. Why were the Jewish people in Jerusalem selling their property? Why was it that Ananias and Sapphira sold their property and were supposed to distribute the money to the poor, they kept part of it back? Why was Barnabus, a businessman selling his property?

And here’s the answer. Would you sell your property if you were told that the city you live in in forty years, a real person of God, a real, an angel came, and said in forty years everything’s going to be destroyed would you just wait “til the 39th year and try to get out? No, you would say well let’s go somewhere where it’s safer. The Jewish people, the believers in Israel in the Book of Acts are selling their property in Jerusalem because they know destruction’s coming and they’re getting out while the getting’s good. And they’re taking their money to help the poor people.

And this is why before the destruction in 70 A.D. according to Philip Schaff “History of the Christian Church” a whole group of Christians fled the city of Jerusalem and got out before the destruction and went to the city of Pella, which is in Jordan, I think Sid probably has visited that at some point, and there they received asylum from Herod, from one of the, from one of the leaders, let me say it that way, they received asylum from him, and they built a Christian community and when Jerusalem was burning in 70 A.D. and then the Jews were being slaughtered on the Temple mount the Christians who listened to the words of Jesus had already fled the city and had gone over, now, let me say, this is the point I want to make: When Peter said it’ll come to pass “in the last days” he knew the words of Jesus. He knew they had a generation to get everything done.

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admin on April 25th, 2023

TONY: What has happened?

MAN #3: I can move it.

TONY: You couldn’t do that before?

MAN #3: Yes. They told me I had lost 49% of my arm use.

TONY: When was the last time you were able to do that?

MAN #3: Ummm, it’s been a while.

TONY: Some years?

MAN #3: Yes, it’s been some years.

TONY: 5, 10, 15?

MAN #3: 15 years.

TONY: Somebody oughta give God a praise!


TONY: Do it! No pain. And you had pain about 10 years?

Man #3: 24 hours a day.

TONY: 24 hours a day for the last 10 years?

MAN #3: Yes, sir.

TONY: And now it’s all gone?

MAN #3: Yes, sir.

TONY: Somebody oughta give God a praise. Where you at? Honest report. Where you at?

MAN #2: About 75% better.

TONY: I want you to just stand up here with me, okay. You can go praise Him. Stay with me. Now here this is going to be interesting. I want everybody who stood for supernatural weight loss to stand again. Check yourself. And if you’re either lower, uh, looser up here or down there come up to the front. Everybody that stood up before, check yourself. And whoever’s looser come forward. Don’t be a-scared. Whoever’s looser come up. C ‘mon, c ‘mon up, come up here and stand beside me if you’re looser. I’m telling you God’s already… I‘m telling you it’s happening right now. And some of you all don’t want to admit that you need to come. I’ve got two people up here. Anybody else? Looser? Yeah I knew there was more than one person. Get up here, sister girl. Anybody else? Now here’s what’s crazy. Here’s what’s crazy. While they’re talking some of you going to get looser. Oh, you, you’re up here? Anybody else? You’re looser? Uh, I want you to put, uh, uh, if you can put your shirt tail in. God’s doing something over there but… come close, come close, yeah, please… Put your shirt tail in. If you can put your shirt tail in. I‘m standing in front, you know. Put your shirt… Yeah, yeah. Umm, you get to go first and stand sideways. Stand sideways and show them how it was before. How tight, and I want you to tell the truth.

WOMAN #8: Well I ‘ll tell you what. It was tighter. It still has a ways more to go so I‘m still trusting the Lord but I‘m praising Him because it’s looser.

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admin on April 15th, 2023

WOMAN #3: It’s gone.

TONY: What? It’s gone now? Step out in the aisle. March up and down. Good. Somebody give the Lord a praise. Are you good?


TONY: Who else had pain? Girl, why you got pain? What kind of arthritis? Where do you have pain? One hip or two hips? Say Jesus, I forgive everybody. And I forgive myself. And I accept you as my healer. Right now. Close your eyes. Tell me when you feel pain decreasing. Three, two, one. Now. (waiting) What?

WOMAN #4: It’s decreasing a little bit.

TONY: A little bit? That means God’s doing something, huh??

WOMAN #4: Uh, huh.

TONY: I speak to the spirit of… that’s giving life to this arthritis. OUT! Now I speak a creative miracle into these bones. (waiting) Give me an honest answer. What’s happening now? It’s still decreasing? Would you do me a favor? Would you interrupt me when it’s all gone? You just keep, just interrupt me. Say Tonay…Try that. Tonay…

WOMAN #4: Okay. Say what?

TONY: Say Tonay…

WOMAN #4: Tonay…

TONY: Yeah, when it’s all gone, just do that! Give the Lord a hand clap!


TONY: Those of you that don’t have pain but have a hip problem stand up, I‘m going to pray for you. And Father, heal my sister of her knee problem also. Lord, she’s so humble she let everybody else go first. I release a gift of healing and miracles into her knee right now in Jesus name. Father, c’mon, stretch forth your hands, and if you’re next to one please lay hands on them, right now, lay hands on them. You guys begin to pray. Father, I speak miracles of healing into each hip right now in the name of Jesus. Be healed. Be well. You may be seated. Okay. All of you with back pain. Stand up right now. Oh trust me, you are here. Well, let’s go with in general, sometimes… but we’re going to start with the people who are in pain right now because if you ‘ve ever been in pain you want to, you want to be delivered right now. Those of you who are in pain right now from back problems, I don’t care how severe it is, raise your hand. Raise it up. Keep it up. Look at me. Are you ready? What’s your back problem, real quick? Slipped disc? Uh, would you like a new disc? Would you receive a new disc right now? Close your eyes. Tell me when the pain is gone. In the name of Jesus I suspend time. I command the old disc disappear. I call from the third heaven a brand new disc. Let it be put in her body now. I command the pain and the reason for the pain go now. I speak to the spine, be healed. Three, two, one. (waiting) I think she got it!

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admin on April 4th, 2023

And folks, that those kind of questions are going to have to be asked sooner than later was actually dramatically illustrated by a professor by the name of Evan Balaban who was doing research at the McGill University in Montreal Canada. And what Balaban did…am I hypnotizing you?… What Balaban did was he took the developing brain matter of embryonic quail and he genetically engineered it into the developing brain matter of embryonic chickens. And when the chickens were born and they begin to grow they started exhibiting the head bobs and the vocal trills of quail. And what his experiment illustrated is that very, very complex behavior patterns can be transferred from one species to another species through genetic engineering.

Well how big, and with this one I’m going to rush to get done, how big might the implications from Professor Balaban’s research be? Here is the front cover of the Global Governance 2025: At a critical juncture report. This is a report filed not long ago by the United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence working with the European Institute of Security Studies. So in other words the top intelligence agencies of the U.S. working with the top intelligence agencies of, uh, Europe and produced this report. Now what’s this report about?

This report tries to imagine by 2025, so within 12 years of, between now and the next 12 years, what might be a threat that would cause all of the nations of the world to suddenly have to come together in a one world government in mutual defense of one another.

What might the scenario be that would suddenly cause all of us to have to rush together to try to protect ourselves from some unprecedented, uh, threat? And so they talk about the possibility of suddenly we detect an asteroid and an asteroid is headed towards the earth. It’s going to be here in one year. All of a sudden we need everybody on earth to come together to try to come up with some kind of a defense.

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admin on March 29th, 2023

We are going to use genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, neural pharmacology and a whole lot of other stuff that ends with the phrase ology. We are going to use those now to create what Hitler could have only dreamed of in his schemes around the Arian super race. What Nietzsche, the German philosopher, could only have imagined in his writings about the ubermenschen, the superhuman of tomorrow.

And what you need to know first is this dream is no longer considered to be fringe. From national laboratories on down, U.S. budgets this year, last year, the year before. There is a blueprint being devised. Your tax dollars are flowing in. In fact I spoke not long ago at the Ohio Science and Supernatural, you like that? Science and Supernatural, a blending of the two, which is of course a trans-humanist theme. I spoke at that conference and I went to Ohio fully convinced that the average Ohioan was unaware of how right there in their state in recent years the Case Western Reserve Law School had been the recipient of 700 and 73 thousand dollars from the NIH.

The NIH is the largest department of its kind in the U.S. that gives your tax dollars for this kind of research. But why did they give, uh, Case Western Reserve Law School nearly a million dollars? It was so that this character, somewhere right here, Professor Maxwell Mehlman, the lead bio-ethicist at Case Western Reserve Law School, could lead a team of law professors, that’s very important, scientists, bio-ethicists, other interested and qualified parties for one purpose really, first of all to do this. For those of you that can’t read that I’ll read it for you. It says a 2-year project to develop standards for tests on human subjects in research that involves the use of genetic technologies to enhance normal individuals. To make them smarter, to make them stronger, and notice this little eugenic caveat: to make them better looking! You like it? So better looking in whose opinion? Right? Now it smacks of eugenics.

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